"He is our peace." —Ephesians 2:14 [KJV]

When Jehu came to take possession of the crown of Israel, Jezebel put this (as she thought) cutting question, "Had Zimri peace who slew his master?"—II Kings 9:31. As Jehu was called and anointed to be king of Israel, according to the word of the Lord, so is every Christian called and anointed by the word and Spirit to the kingdom of Jesus. "He hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father, to Him be glory," etc.Revelation 1:6

But ere we take possession of our crown of glory, we must expect many severe and aggravating questions from the mouth of the adversary on earth. Verily, he hath great reason to urge the most cruel treatment, and to charge upon us the vilest behaviour to our Master, Jesus; that bloody deed of crucifying the Lord of life and glory was caused by our sins. 

Not a transgression a disciple of Jesus commits, but the precious blood of his Master was spilt for. The life of sin, and love of sin, is in our nature; and the law of sin is in our members, and while we are daily exposed to sin in our practice, Satan like a powerful Assyrian army, will invade our land of nature, and attack the peace of our souls. What can we do? If we deny his charge, and say, "We have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." 

Acknowledge his accusations we must; all in nature, reason, and conscience, unite to witness against us. But shall this destroy the comfort of our minds, the hope of our souls, and the peace of our hearts? Then how small our knowledge! how feeble our faith! how weak our hearts in the grace which is in Christ Jesus! All the power of darkness, all the curses of the law, all the accusations of sin, blessed, for ever blessed be the grace of our God, cannot, shall not overthrow this soulcomforting, Christ-exalting, love-exciting truth; this man, even JESUS, Who was born in Bethlehem, and died at Calvary, "He is OUR PEACE, He hath made peace by the blood of His cross"—Colossians 1:20. 

The EVERLASTING GOSPEL proclaims it; the eternal law of love confirms, it; by faith we receive the joyful news of it; by the Spirit our souls enjoy the sweet sense of it; by the word, the blessed Spirit stirs up our pure minds by exhortations and examples to look unto Jesus, look off from every other hope, turn from every other object. His name, His nature, His offices, His work, all speak PEACE to poor, guilty, self-condemned souls, whose only hope is Jesus. The work of (Jesus') righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of (His) righteousness, quietness and assurance for ever.Isaiah 32:17

O, let our voices never cease 

To sing the Saviour's name; 

Jesus, the ambassador of peace, 

How cheerfully He came! 

It cost Him cries and tears 

To bring us near to God; 

 Great was our debt, and He appears 

To make the payment good.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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