"My God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus." —Philippians 4:19 [KJV]

Paul, though an eminent saint, and a great apostle, was yet a man of like passions, a poor sinner, even as others. Yet, with what amazing boldness and confidence he speaks of what his God shall do! Though he had never been admitted into the secret counsels of the glorious trinity; yet the holy Spirit had well instructed him, in the covenant transactions of Jehovah. He well knew the nature of the everlasting covenant: that it was "ordered in all things" in infinite wisdom and eternal love: that all the graces and blessings contained in it, are sure to all the heirs of promise. 

As soon might a God of truth prove false, a God of faithfulness be unjust, as any one of His promises in Jesus to His people fail. Such is the security of the covenant; such the confidence of faith. God the Father is the fountain; the Son the treasury; and the Spirit; the dispenser of all grace. Believers' needs are God's concerns. They shall have a rich supply for all their wants. The value of their supplies, are enhanced to the highest degree. Not only riches, but riches in glory; glorious riches. 

They receive all from glory, and all comes to them through the glorified man Jesus Christ. He is their "Friend Who loveth at all times: their brother who was born for adversity." In the hour of our distresses and in the time of our need, we too often forget that we have such a God and Saviour to trust in and call upon. Instead of looking to a throne of grace, we pore over our dunghill of corruptions; here we are sure to find nothing but misery, poverty, and sin. Is there such an inexhaustible fund of riches in Christ Jesus? Is it for the poor and needy? 

Dishonorable thought of Jesus, ever to imagine He is an unconcerned spectator of our wants, or that He will withhold when we need. Nay, but He "knows how to have compassion." He is touched with a tender sympathy, "a feeling sense of our infirmities."Hebrews 4:15. "Trust in Him at all times, ye people, pour out your hearts before Him, God is a refuge for us;" and the Psalmist adds, "Selah."Psalm 62:8.

Consider this well, spread it before your minds, just as we put *N. B. for Nota Bene*; take special notice of this, it is of the greatest importance. "Lord help our unbelief." 

When in the light of faith divine 

We look on things below, 

Honor, and gold, and sensual joy 

How vain and dangerous too. 

God is mine all-sufficient aid, 

My portion and my choice; 

In Him my vast desires are fill'd, 

And all my pow'rs rejoice. 

In vain the world accosts my ear, 

And tempts my heart anew: 

I cannot buy your bliss so dear, 

Nor part with heav'n for you.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)

*Nota Bene


1. (used in written text to draw attention to what follows) observe carefully or take special notice.


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