"Can there be a time or season, 

When our thanks must silent lie?

Times when saints can find no reason, 

To lift up their praise on high?

No, there’s always blessing flowing, 

Even when our tears flow too!

For His mercy is ongoing, 

Grace is given each day, anew.

Oft, we find our tongue is ready, 

To sing out our grateful song;

When the pantry, filled with plenty, 

Speaks of food for days to come.

Then we must not trust the blessing, 

For ‘tis but the Blesser’s store.

Our dependence still confessing, 

Let us thank Him all the more!


When the stall and store are empty, 

And it seems there’ll be no more;

When, with doubting, Satan tempts thee, 

Loudly sounds His frightening roar,

With still louder thanks and praises, 

List those everlasting goods:

He our sin fore’er erases, 

Fills our souls with heav’nly food.

Are we stunned with grief expressless, 

For the Lord has taken away,

One our heart held close and precious-

One whose presence brightened our days?


Thank the LORD JESUS for, though He’s taken, 

He it was Who first did give!

And, though weeping, thanks be making, 

And our joy again shall live.

Measure not the Lord’s great blessings, 

By conditions of the day;

In all things -His will expressing –

For our good, He’ll work His way.

Everything for us is blesséd, 

Not one thing shall bring us ill!

Whether it pleases or distresses, 

All is good within His will!"

-Hymn: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus


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