"...called the sons of God!"

"Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." —1 John 3:1 [KJV]

If a poor insolvent debtor, who sees no hope but to end his miserable life in a loathsome gaol (-prison), yet is unexpectedly called to hear the will of a loving friend, whereby an ample provision is bequeathed him, fully to satisfy all his wants, how must this rejoice his heart! How, in the ecstasy of his joyful mind, would he be ready to call upon every one around him to behold the delightful testament! 

This is but a faint view of the inestimable riches of glory and honor bequeathed to ruined sinners by New Testament love, ratified and sealed by the blood of Jesus. Upon the view of this, how should we be filled with wonder, fired with ecstasy, and our transported hearts should not keep silence! Angels see and admire, saints behold and adore the marvelously great, the inexpressibly glorious, the wonderfully discriminating love of the Father of Jesus! amazing to tell! comforting to believe! transporting to feel! 

Love, the love of God the Father hath made its way to sinful man; His love flows through the heart of a crucified Jesus; His love hath reached my poor heart. What terms have we fulfilled? What conditions have we performed to procure this invaluable blessing? O, the very question startles the truly gracious soul! It is a concern to his generous heart to hear such proud, vain notions taught; he rejects the thought with abhorrence and cries, 'Pride, thou busy foe, begone.' 

All, all is freely given, richly bestowed. And am I, vile and unworthy as I am, the called, the real son of God, by adoption, through the faith of Jesus? O Thou heavenly paraclete, Thou divine sanctifier; influence, daily influence my heart, my tongue, my life, to glorify my Father, my Saviour, my God! Though I have done nothing to procure this inestimable privilege, yet, enjoying this rich grace, love and gratitude demand corresponding fruits, a holy walk, worthy of the vocation wherewith I am called. 

Hence assuredly will spring another evidence of God's children; therefore, "the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not." Though our dear Saviour "went about doing good," yet even this could not gain Him the approbation and esteem of the world. Never let disciples expect to be above their Master; the more we follow Jesus and are conformed to Him as obedient children, stronger evidence shall we have of the world's enmity, and of our Father's love; let us rejoice to follow Jesus, and be glad to imitate Him to do good, though we suffer evil. 

Behold what wond'rous grace 

The Father hath bestow'd 

On sinners of a mortal race. 

To call them sons of God! 

'Tis no surprising thing, 

That we should be unknown; 

The Jewish world knew not their king, 

God's everlasting Son.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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