"...zealous of good works." —Titus 2:14 [KJV]

Call to mind, disciple of Jesus, how in times past thou didst walk according to the course of this world, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and yet the god of this world so blinded thine eyes, and so deceived thine heart (strange infatuation!) that thou didst talk of and trust in even what had no existence, thine own good works. Glory to the rich grace of our Saviour, Who delivers us from the natural notions of our corrupt reason, the pride of our "free-will," and the vain confidence of our own righteousness! 

Now all our glorying is in Jesus; for though by nature we are slaves to our lusts, in bondage to iniquity, our minds defiled, our consciences impure, and therefore to every good work reprobate, yet such was the love of Jesus to us, that "He gave Himself for us." He hath redeemed us from all iniquity; He hath purified us unto Himself as a peculiar people, "zealous of good works." By the knowledge of faith we are persuaded Jesus loves us, delights in us, grants us peculiar familiarity with Himself, bestows peculiar blessings on us, and hath made peculiar provisions for us, both in time and eternity. Hence Christians are inspired with a peculiar zeal for good works; a zeal according to godliness. 

We love our God and only Saviour; therefore we delight to serve and study to glorify Him in our souls and bodies. Our sinful lusts and passions are contrary to Him; therefore, as assisted, we daily strive and pray to mortify and subdue them. To do good to the souls and bodies of all men, especially to them that are of the household of faith, is well-pleasing to the Lord; therefore it is the joy of our hearts to abound in those things. Here true zeal centers, that we do good from a good principle, love to God; from a good motive, Jesus hath commanded it; with a good aim, that the glory of His name, the honor and interest of His cause may be advanced in the world by us. Such a zeal stabs the pride of self-seeking and vain glorying; for our best works, our chiefest good, is to glorify our God and Saviour. 

Godly souls blush therefore, and are grieved to the very heart when a thought arises of doing any good work to procure the favor of God or to secure His love to our souls, or to entitle us to His kingdom. This is to glorify ourselves. But we have not so learned Christ as to oppose God's free-grace truths, dishonor a God of love, degrade the glory of our precious Saviour, for we give all the glory to Him, as having done all for us. 

We see salvation finished by Him, and glory secured to us IN HIM; therefore, in love we desire to be wholly devoted to Him, and to do those things that may glorify Him ONLY "Who hath bought us with His blood."—I Corinthians 6:20. This is truly a zeal according to knowledge.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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