Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 05 October, 2023 A.D.

"What doest thou here, Elijah?" —I Kings 19:13 [KJV]

The prophets, as well as the children of the Lord, are sometimes found where they ought not to be. Elijah had now taken up his residence in a cave in the wilderness. What work could he do for his Master here? What glory could he bring to His name in a barren mountain? Here were no lambs of God's flock to be gathered, no sheep of Christ's pasture to be fed, no torn sheep to be healed and nourished by his word and doctrine. 

It seems as though he thought all his work was at an end, his zeal quite worn out; and in a fit of fear, unbelief, and despondency, he retreated from public opposition to the dreary mansions of a mountainous cave for rest and quiet. But the Lord followed him, caused him to hear His voice, calls him to new work, endues him with fresh strength, and animates him with the pleasing assurance that He had seven thousand faithful servants yet in Israel. But poor Elijah thought he was left alone. See the effect of judging according to appearances. Carnal reason is a bad judge in spiritual things. The wisdom of the flesh, ever determines contrary to the wisdom of God. Beware of your frames, O disciples. If on the mount, in the sunshine of comfort, be not vain and confident, with "I shall never fall." If in the gloomy valley, where light and joy are obscured, be not cast down and dejected. "The Lord reigneth: rejoice in Him." 

Though clouds and darkness are round thy God and Saviour, yet "righteousness and judgment are the habitation of His throne."—Psalm 97. Above all, beware of thy conduct. Fly not to places of sinful vanities, and vain gratifications. These can never profit thy soul. Nay, if dark and uncomfortable, what canst thou expect but to be darker and more uncomfortable still? This is a farther remove from the Saviour's love and presence. What canst thou expect, but this cutting reproof, this keen interrogation, "thou man of God, what dost thou HERE?" 

If Elijah was reproved, for being in a barren wilderness, how canst thou answer it to God thy loving Saviour, for being found on worse than barren ground; where the alluring baits of sin; the poisonous weeds of Satan grow in abundance, to beguile and destroy unstable souls. O soul, hear the call of thy beloved Lord! "Depart ye, depart ye, this is not your rest." Know your glorious privilege. "Ye are the temple of the living God. God dwells in you, and walks in you." Listen to His voice, speaking to your souls. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and I will receive you: and I will be a Father unto you, (ye shall enjoy the sweet knowledge of it,) and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."—II Corinthians 6:17, 18 [KJV]

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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