Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 04 October, 2023 A.D.

"All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient." —I Corinthians 6:12 [KJV]

The constraints of love and jealousy of fear sweetly unite in the believing heart. Where the faith of Jesus prevails, love constrains. It holds and keeps us in our station and duty, as soldiers are kept together under a banner or ensign displayed. What cheerfulness and activity of soul do we experience, when we can say with the church in the Canticles (Songs of Solomon), ch. 2, vs4. "Jesus' banner over me was love!" Then how sweetly do we judge and determine our conduct by the law of Christ, which is LOVE! 

This excites a godly fear lest we should allow ourselves a latitude in things in themselves indifferent, to the wounding and hurt of our souls or our fellow-soldiers. Though all things of an indifferent nature, which are innocent in themselves, are lawful to us; yet the cause and interest of our dear Saviour, and the good and edifying of His beloved members, should be ever near our hearts, and make us consider the expediency of them. How narrow is the path of duty! yet it is pleasant to the faithful soul. For Jesus hath strewed it with the fragrant fruits of peace, love, and comfort. 

Peace from God, and with our brethren; love to God and one another. While we walk according to this rule, we bring glory to God who hath called us by Jesus Christ to glory, and will also assuredly glorify us together with Himself. What circumspection becomes disciples in their daily walk, that they give none offence, neither to the Jew nor to the Gentile, nor to the church of God! The eyes, not only of God, angels, and devils, are upon us, but the eyes of men also, our brethren, and our opposers. Did the Rechabites wholly abstain from wine, because Jonadab commanded "Ye shall drink no wine?" Did the Lord honor their obedience in this indifferent thing with his approbation?—Jeremiah 35

How much more will Jesus honor His disciples, Who, with an eye to His glory, and His members' good, abstain from things that are not expedient! Thou freeman of the Lord, with a holy resolution assert thy dignity. I will not be brought under the power of any thing contrary to the love of Jesus. Happy is he who seeketh not to please himself, but to profit others. 

How then can those answer to the Lord Christ, to their own souls, and to their brethren, who can indulge themselves at card-tables, play-houses, etc. and say, "These are indifferent things; I see no harm in them!" Is this "following after the things which make for peace, and wherewith one may edify another?"—Romans 14:19. "Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth."—Romans 14:22.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


Godwill said…
So blessed. God richly bless you for sharing this blog. So inspiring, strengthening and edifying.

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