Chosen Unto Salvation

"God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth." —II Thessalonians 2:13 [KJV]

We live in a day when pride reigns, the creature is exalted, the Holy Ghost resisted, and truth is trampled under foot. The doctrine of God's distinguishing grace and electing love in Christ Jesus, is now, as it ever was, to men of corrupt minds, destitute of the truth, a bone of contention. They have railing accusations, great swelling words to utter against it; their mouths are not stopped, because they see not themselves guilty before God. —Romans 3:19

Saith Paul of such, "They are under a strong delusion, they have pleasure in unrighteousness." They are left to sport themselves with their own vain proud delusions. Then he adds, "but we are bound to give thanks for God's election of you brethren, beloved of the Lord." True ministers of Jesus join with blessed apostles, in giving praise to God the Father for His love to poor sinners in Christ Jesus. They know God's love existed before time began. 

The doctrine of election is not a mere speculation, nor can it tend to licentiousness; but it is of the essence of vital godliness, and is attended with the most holy and blessed effects, where received into the heart in the love of it. For the same Lord, who purposed to bring many sons to glory, hath also ordained the means, "sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth." How could Paul know these professors were beloved and elected? Truly the effects proved the cause. 

They saw the fruits of electing love spring forth under the energy of the blessed Spirit. They were brought to believe in, love and cleave to the sanctifying influence it had upon their hearts and lives. "Behold Mine elect, in whom My soul delighteth," said the Father of all consolations to His church, concerning Jesus. —Isaiah 42:1. He is the blessed object in whom we are chosen, who has finished our salvation, and to whom we are to look by faith. 

Yet, O believer, trace the streams of thy mercy to the fountain head; see thy obligations equally to the Father's love, the Son's redemption, and the Spirit's operations. Thus all salvation is of God; thou hast nothing whereof to glory; all cause for deepest humility; the greatest reason for rejoicing day by day. What heights of love art thou called to! What inflamed affections should possess thy heart!—"Only let thy conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ."—Philippians 1:27.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)



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