"How can ye believe which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only?" —John 5:44 [KJV]

"The fear of man bringeth a snare."—Proverbs 29:25. It is a great enemy to the power of faith in the heart. The esteem of men, to be well spoken of, to have honor and applause from them, are pleasing to the flesh, but hurtful to the Spirit. The wisdom and learning of natural men, are contrary to the simplicity that is in Christ, incompatible with the cross of Christ, and withstands an open confession of Him Who is an honor to us; for by the faith of Jesus we are honored of the Father to be His children, and to enjoy sweet fellowship and communion with Him in our spirits. 

Here is the blessedness of the faith of disciples; "It standeth not in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God."—1 Corinthians 2:5. Hence we are to "call no man Rabbi, for One is our Master, even Jesus." We are to suffer no man to lord it over our faith; not to pin our faith on any man's sleeve; merely to believe what any man says, be he ever so wise and learned. Some are fond of being at the head of a party; others love to humour them, and become tails and tools to them; and their poor hearts are hereby sadly rent and torn, by disputes and divisions which so much abound. 

But have we not the plain, simple teachings of our blessed Prophet to look to? O, how often do disciples of Jesus give honor to men, in expecting that teaching and that comfort from them which cometh from God only! Too oft is it the cry, I will hear what such a one saith, what this and the other teacheth, instead of "I will hear what the Lord God will speak," what He hath taught in His word. I will abide by that only. This honor cometh from God only, to speak peace by Jesus Christ outwardly in His word, and inwardly by His Spirit: therefore we are to search the word diligently, wait for the Spirit patiently, treasure up and ponder upon the sayings of Jesus in our hearts continually. 

This is to honor Him Whom the Father honors, to be the Prophet of His church. Believers have an "unction from the Holy One that teacheth them all things."—1 John 2:20. Surely they ought not to hear those who know not the truth! "Them that honor Me, I will honor," saith the LORD.1 Samuel 2:30. Jehovah commands us. "Hear My beloved Son."—Mark 9:7

In the face of all opposition to believe the word, the promises, and the oath of the Lord concerning full and free salvation by His Son Jesus only, this is the honor the Lord requires from His children: and this obedience of faith, God will honor with inward peace, and the witness of His Spirit; with a life of love, and the sanctifying renewings of the Holy Ghost from day to day. Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils."—Isaiah 2:22.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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