"At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you." —John 14:20 [KJV]

"To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven." "God hath made every thing beautiful in His time."—Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11. In the beginning of time God created all things by Jesus Christ. In the fulness of time the Son of God was made flesh, dwelt among us for a time, and at the end of it finished salvation for lost sinners. The man Jesus ever lives in glory, and therefore His members must be made spiritually alive upon earth; to Him they must all be gathered. There is a day of grace appointed them: a time, a set time to favor them.—Psalm 110:3

A day of power, wherein they are made willing to come to Jesus, and choose Him for their only Saviour, and trust in Him as their only hope and their all. Various are the spiritual statutes of God's children. Different are their degrees of light, faith, knowledge, and love. As in the creation of nature, in the first day's work light was produced, perhaps small and glimmering; but that glorious luminary the sun, was not until the fourth day: so is it in the new creation of souls. 

Our Lord's first disciples had light enough to see Him as the true Messiah, to come to Him, and follow Him; yet it is amazing to read how dark and confused their minds were about many things which concernedHis person, sufferings, and kingdom; it is just the same now. Many are His sincere disciples, but are very weak in faith; know very little of this great mystery, that Christ and His Father are One, that Christ is in the Father, that they are in Christ and that Christ is in them. Hence they are often sadly perplexed and harassed in their minds with doubts and fears. 

Still they cleave to Jesus; they love to hear of His precious name and glorious salvation; their hearts can be satisfied with nothing else. Hence it is plain the light hath shined, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon them; but they must follow on to know the Lord. There shall be a day of Pentecost, a day of meridian light, wherein they shall know even as they are known—assuredly know that there is a mutual indwelling of "Christ in them, and they in Christ, and the Spirit will bear witness to their spirits, that they are the children of God."— Romans 8:16. 

Most sweetly says Mr. Rutherford, 'I am sure my well beloved is God. And when I say Christ is God, and my Christ is God, I have said all things; I can say no more. I would I could build as much on this, MY CHRIST IS GOD, as it would bear; I might lay all the world on it.'

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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