"Be careful for nothing: but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God." —Philippians 4:6 [KJV]

All anxious cares which torture and distress the mind arise from unbelief; they are contrary to our profession, dishonorable to our God, and hurtful to the peace and comfort of our souls. Therefore they are forbid by the gospel of grace, in love to the children of God. But, believer, thou hast not so learned Christ as to pass away a life of careless indolence and thoughtless inactivity. No; vigilance, industry, and fervency of spirit, is a suitable frame ever to be found in. Not slothful in business, but fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord. 

Careful and diligent in the use of all means in thy power, both to procure the subsistence and welfare of thy body, as well as to keep up the liveliness and vigour of thy soul. Careful and diligent, yet without care that hath disquietude and distress. As to the things of this life, it is sufficient to answer all thy anxiety, and silence thy every fear and doubt; "your heavenly Father (saith Jesus) knoweth you have need of them." He feeds the birds. Will He suffer His babes to starve? Thou shalt have all things needful for life and godliness. If such a sinner as I may speak of himself, under worldly losses and disappointments I have thought, "Well, though I have not what I expected, I can very well go to heaven without it." 

This consideration, thanks to my dear Saviour, hath often brought a heaven of contentment to my soul, in a world of disappointment. As to spiritual blessings, "He that spared not His own Son, but freely gave Him up a sacrifice for our sins; how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things." The Father that hath "blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus," will hand them out to us by His Holy Spirit in number, weight, and measure, just as His wisdom sees best; and it is our wisdom to be content and thankful. Here is encouragement for faith and prayer. 

And canst thou look within, without, around, above, and see no cause for thanksgiving and praise, O Christian? Are not what thou hast in hand, and what thou hast in hope, the free gifts of the grace of thy God? Call to mind His mercies to excite gratitude; reflect on His promises to quicken in prayer. Under all thy trials, distresses, sorrows, fears, doubts, and difficulties, here is sweet encouragement for thy soul; speak them out freely: make thy requests familiarly unto God. And what shall be the happy consequences? Hear and rejoice, thou shalt have more "abundantly than either thou canst think of or ask for." —Ephesians 3:20

Christ ever lives to intercede 

Before His Father's face: 

Content, my soul, thy cause He'll plead, 

Nor doubt thy Father's grace.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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