"There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." —Romans 8:1 [KJV]

Mr. Burkitt observes, 'this chapter is a summary of evangelical duty, and a magazine of Christian comfort: it begins with no condemnation to believers, and ends with no separation from the love of God.' It is natural to conceive, if we had never sinned there would be no condemnation against us; but, that now we are sinners, and naturally under the condemning sentence of God's holy law; that yet there is now no condemnation to us; this our carnal reason cannot conceive, and therefore opposes it. 

But it is God's truth and the joy of faith. This unfolds the great mystery, that we are one with Christ: viewed, beloved, and chosen in Him. This gloriously displays the attributes of Jehovah's justice and holiness; while a full and ample discharge from all condemnation is obtained from His righteous law, to all Christ's members. Therefore, that blessed name Jesus is above every name to us. In this, and every other matter of salvation, to Him every believer's knee will bow, and his heart confess, Christ is all in all. Rich privilege to be in Christ Jesus! Unspeakable happiness to be freed from all condemnation! 

Blessed effects of covenant-union with Christ! Joyful experience of the grace of faith in Him! To have such a knowledge, and pass such a judgment upon thy soul, O Christian, is just and right. It is thy duty and privilege at all times. Practice it. As to Jesus, how readest thou? "The LORD hath laid upon Him the iniquity of us all."—Isaiah 53:6. "Christ bore our sins in His own body on the tree."—1 Peter 2:24. "Christ suffered, the just for the unjust."—1 Peter 3:18. "We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. He was made sin for us, who knew no sin." 

Can we read all this without singing a triumphant challenge, "Who then shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? God that justifieth? No: Who is he that condemneth? Christ that died, yea, rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us?"—Romans 8:33, 34. Here is the glorious triumph of faith. Thou art "carnal, sold under sin."—Romans 7:14. In thy flesh dwelleth no good thing; though thou hast no reason for confidence in the flesh, yet always abundant cause to rejoice in Christ Jesus: for in Him thou art perfectly righteous; in Him for ever freed from all condemnation. O believer, thou art called ever to rejoice in this liberty, and to evidence it by walking, "not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." 


Strange mystery of wond'rous grace! 

I'm full of sin, yet not condemn'd! 

I stand in Jesus' righteousness; 

By Him from ev'ry sin redeem'd.

O may the precious faith of this, 

Daily enliven all my pow'rs, 

To run the road to heav'nly bliss, 

In Christ rejoicing all my hours.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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