"He shall glorify Me." —John 16:14 [KJV]

The gospel of Jesus is suited to our indigent state and distressed circumstances; but we are averse to receive the truth in the love of it, because of our loftiness of spirit and pride of heart. A system that tends to exalt and glorify us in our own eyes and in the sight of others, we are naturally very fond of. This notion sticks close to us, we do not easily part with it. To imagine ourselves possessed of some inherent good dispositions and amiable tempers, which put us upon more respectable terms in the sight of God, and gain His favor, this we are apt to mistake for the work of the Spirit upon the heart. 

But as this notion leads from the faith and hope of the gospel, opposeth the glory of Jesus, lays another foundation than that which God hath laid, and tends to plume the creature with pride and vanity, we are taught to reject it as a spirit of Antichrist and delusion. This God severely reproves His church of old for: "Thou didst trust in thine own beauty and playedst the harlot, because of thy renown."Ezekiel 16:15. But the blessed Spirit, who effects the marriage union between the Lamb and His bride, doth nothing upon the heart that it should trust in, so as to attract the affections from Jesus, or to produce incontinency of behaviour to our rightful Lord. No: "the Spirit shall glorify, not Himself as the agent, not yourselves as the subject of His operations, but He shall glorify Me," saith Jesus, in your sight, heart, and affections. 

He shall bear witness to My person and offices of the relation I stand in to you; that justification is solely by My righteousness, atonement for your sins by My own sacrifice, and pardon of them by My blood: that I am your Priest, ever before the throne, representing your persons, and pleading your cause. So shall you find peace in Me, live daily upon Me, and rejoice only in Me. Thus by this work of the Spirit, Christ alone is exalted and glorified; our hearts comforted in truth, and sanctified in love, to the honor and service of our heavenly King. Thus, to them that believe, Jesus is precious; because we see the Father's love centre in Him, and diffusing itself through His pierced heart to ours, by the Holy Ghost given to us. 

Hence we become alive in our spirits and affections to God, and dead to self-seeking, self-righteous, self-glorying views. We die daily to carnal lusts and corrupt affections, which we know tend to dishonor our dear Lord, are contrary to His will, degrade our souls, and rob us of sweet, heart-felt communion with Him. The more Jesus is thus glorified, and we abide in Him, so much the more are we enabled to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit to the praise and glory of Him. "As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."Romans 8:14.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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