Great Hope and Help for the Ungodly in CHRIST JESUS

"Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah." —Psalm 3:2 [KJV]

Had David's foes said of him, He deserves no help from God; he would readily have owned this as a great truth. As God's children are comforted by the truth, so the enemy advances lies to distress them. When he attacks their faith and comfort, he boldly impeaches the love and faithfulness of their God. "No help for me in God!" O, my soul, wilt thou listen to this suggestion? Canst thou indulge such a thought one moment? Art thou beset with distress of soul, and surrounded with troubles and difficulties? Art thou singing a melancholy note? Selah, saith David: pause, consider this; lift up thy mind to attend; how dishonorable to thy God, how destructive to thy faith, peace, love, and holiness, is this! 

Know the voice of thy enemy. Hear the voice of thy Saviour. His word is adapted to thy circumstances, however distressing or desperate. "Thou hast destroyed thyself!" What is added? Perish in thine own undoings, take it for thy pains? No: for almighty love proclaims its own triumph; "But in Me is thine help."—Hosea 13:9. "Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward." When born again he finds more enemies and troubles than ever: a sinful nature burdens him, carnal lusts perplex him, Satan tempts and accuses him, unbelief besets and dejects him; but, most joyful truth, God is his dear Father, Jesus his precious Saviour, the Holy Spirit his loving comforter. Where should the poor sinner look? To whom should the exercised, afflicted soul go? 

Happy for him when with David, he goes with childlike simplicity, and tells his sorrowful complaints to his dear Saviour; "Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! Many rise up against me." They say of my soul, "There is no help for me in God." The Saviour loves to hear His members' complaints; He delights to redress them. Thus, when driven from all hope and help from within and without, then they honor Him in faith and prayer. As when the little child is affrighted with lying stories, it flies to the arms of its father for safety, tells him of its fears, and thus its little heart gets ease; so David found it: his experienced heart cries out, "Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter-up of my head. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord; Thy blessing is upon Thy people.

Thus, though a mournful complaint ushers in this—Psalm, yet it concludes in the joy and triumph of faith. "Though weeping may endure for a night, yet joy cometh in the morning."—Psalm 30:5.

Tho' weeping for a night endure, 

And foes distress my heart; 

Yet in the morning joy is sure: 

Our Saviour takes my part. 

O, listen then unto His word, 

In His sweet promise trust: 

Thy foes shall flee before thy Lord, 

Who faithful is and just.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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