GRACE REIGNS! Hallelujah...

"As sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord." —Romans 5:21 [KJV]

Sin, like some mighty conqueror, hath obtained a victory and reigns over the whole human race. All men are naturally under, and well pleased with its reign and government; but sovereign, almighty grace dethrones this usurping monarch in the hearts of the elect; triumphs over its spoils and conquests, delivers their captive souls from its dominion, and reverseth the sentence of death they were under: and all this is effected in a just and righteous way. 

For though salvation is all of grace to poor sinners, yet eternal life is a just debt due to the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ: He hath a right to challenge it from the hands of justice; and He doth so by promise, "Father, I WILL that they Whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am."—John 17:24. To think of doing something to procure the favor of God and entitle ourselves to eternal life; this we are prompted to from the pride of our natures and unbelief of our hearts. But such notions ever oppose the gospel of grace, resist the Spirit of truth, degrade the glory of Jesus, depreciate the perfection of His finished work, and make the God of truth a liar. 

But thou, O believer, art not saved without a perfect righteousness, in perfect obedience to the law of God; and through faith in Jesus thou hast a just challenge, an humble claim founded upon His righteousness, to eternal life! O, the rich triumphs of abounding love! how glorious is the victory of sovereign grace! Soul, thou must sink into nothing at its discovery, yet rise into a glorious subject, from the knowledge and experience of it. Grace reigns over all the aboundings of sin; here is our hope, through the righteousness of Christ, over all our unrighteousness; here is our justification in God's sight unto eternal life; here is our triumph over the wages of sin and death. 

O sinner! destitute of righteousness in thyself, GRACE demands the daily study and those of thy heart; GRACE demands the whole devotion of thy life. Give all the glory where only it is justly due; to the Father, for everlasting love; to the Son, for everlasting righteousness; and to the Spirit, for everlasting consolation and good hope through grace. 

The more thou art enabled to live upon the divine truth and faithfulness of the covenant, as revealed in the word, and shining with full lustre in the person of Jesus, thou wilt become dead to every hope but Him; out of conceit with all righteousness but His, and thou wilt be singing in triumph with the church, "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD; MY soul shall be joyful in MY God; for He hath clothed ME with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness."—Isaiah 61:10.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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