"Fear not, thou worm Jacob." —Isaiah 41:14 [KJV] 

In the light of truth, and under the teaching of the Spirit, every believer in Jesus loses sight of the once fancied dignity of his human nature, and sinks in the view of himself to the meanest reptile. Probably the church, in Isaiah's days, had been considering her weak, helpless state; surrounded with trials and difficulties; exposed continually to the power of enemies on every side; in great danger of being trodden under feet and crushed to death; and had been laying her case before the Lord, confessing the words of David, "I am a worm, and no man."—Psalm 22:6. 

Well, the Lord condescends to reply to such humble souls in their own language. "Though thou art as mean in thine own eyes, and as despicable in the sight of others as a poor, base, insignificant, crawling worm of the earth, yet thou art precious in my sight. Though thou hast no power in thyself to resist thine enemies, no strength to support thyself under thine afflictions and distresses, though Satan threatens, troubles bow thee down, corruptions rage, and all the combined force of earth and hell is enraged against thee, yet FEAR NOT, thou worm, saith the Lord." Thou soldier of Jesus, "FEAR NOT," is the word of command from the Captain of thy salvation. 

Scarce any phrase so frequently occurs in the word of God as this. Consider it as an antidote against all thy despondings, doubtings, and dejections. Thou canst never fall into any exercise, be under any temptation, be visited by any affliction, come into any straits or difficulties, but what the power of God can support thee under, and bring thee safely through. Consult not human probability; judge not according to appearances; say not, 'Worm as I am, I shall surely be crushed.' Nay, but is any thing too hard for God? 

He saith, "I will help thee;" I will succour; I will support thee; I will strengthen thee; my grace is sufficient for thee. Can a God of truth promise in vain? Will a God of love ever fail to assist? Doth not a God of wisdom know when to deliver? Suffice it, we have His promise. That engages His truth, and that demands our faith to honor Him. But, "I am with thee," saith the Saviour. He is present; though perhaps thou thinkest otherwise, and feelest not His comfortable presence. Thy most secret sigh, as well as every distress, lies open to His view. 

The crafty designs of thy subtle foe, and all his vile stratagems, are without a covering before thy Lord. Terrify and distress thee he may, but prevail over thy soul he shall not! "For He that keepeth Israel, neither slumbereth nor sleepeth."—He is ever watchful to guard, and powerful to keep: and He hath given us this absolute promise, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment, thou shalt condemn."—Isaiah 54:17.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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