"For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." —Romans 5:10 [KJV]

Near twenty years ago, upon hearing a certain preacher vehemently assert, "that souls might be justified by faith in Jesus, and yet afterwards burn in hell," my soul was brought into great darkness, perplexity, and distress. Glory to my dear Lord, by this very text He again restored light, peace, and joy to my soul, and clearly taught and comfortably established me in the scriptural doctrine of the certain perseverance of all God's saints to eternal glory. I record this to the praise of our dear Lord, and to the comfort of His people. 

"If when we were enemies:"—to whom? Our worst foe, Satan? No: but to our best Friend, God: the God of our salvation; to Jesus our God and Saviour; to God the Spirit our sanctifier; to the gospel of His grace, and word of our salvation. O, what a precious word is this! "reconciled to God." God in Christ was reconciled to us. O, what love and grace ever dwelt in His heart to us enemies, traitors, and rebels against Him! this He manifested in reconciling us to Himself. How? "By the death of His Son." 

O, my fellow sinners! at every step let higher wonder rise in your hearts and mine. The cross of Jesus, what hath it done FOR us! Jesus dying on the cross! O, what hath it effected IN us! Here we view, believe, and know the love God hath to us. This belief slays the enmity of our rebellious hearts; bows our stubborn wills, and attracts our alienated affections. We throw down our arms, embrace our reconciled God, desire for ever to cease all hostility against Him. 

"Much more being reconciled" to God's purposes, providence, and grace; His way of salvation by His Son Jesus, submitting to His righteousness for justification, to His sceptre to be governed, to His Spirit to be led, and to His gospel to be saved and ruled. What then? Being thus reconciled, may we not be cast off at last, and burn in hell for ever? Yes, if Jesus can die, perish, and be annihilated; but not otherwise. For, "how much more shall we be saved by His life!" By faith we receive the atonement of His death. This is the life of our souls. 

By His life of intercession for us, we are as safe and as sure of glory, as though we were already seated in the heavenly mansions: unless Christ shed His blood in vain, God reconciles us to Himself in vain; our faith is vain; the work of God's Spirit is in vain; and all the promises of God are in vain, and of no effect. But all this is utterly impossible. God's purpose according to election shall stand, not of works, but of Him who calleth.Romans 9:11.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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