"We are come to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling." —Hebrews 12:24 [KJV]

When from zeal and affection for their beloved Master, the disciples would have called for fire from heaven, "He rebuked them, saying, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of." In young disciples there is often much heat of zeal which is not according to knowledge; they know but little what evils they are called from, and what privileges they are come to. It behoves all to be diligent in reading, hearing, and studying, the truths of Jesus. 

So the Spirit makes wise heads and joyful hearts. To see, taste, and feel somewhat of Jesus from the law, the types and figures, the prophesies, promises, and the gospel, is the chief concern of simple souls; so their hearts are daily more and more established in faith; and they know more assuredly that they are really come to Jesus. When we read of Moses sprinkling the people, and crying out, "Behold the blood of the covenant,"Exodus 24:8—this comfortably reminds us of the pardon of sin by the precious blood of the dear Lamb; and how the sprinkling of this blood purifies the heart from sin, and the conscience from guilt, by faith. The acceptable sacrifice of Abel, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, brings to our minds the most excellent sacrifice of our dear Saviour. This speaks righteousness, peace, love, and salvation to our souls; this silences all guilty fears; this revives and comforts drooping, trembling hearts, knowing that Jesus is our dear and ever-loving Mediator before the throne. 

This gives boldness and confidence of free access to God, and freedom of heart to draw nigh to, love Him, and rejoice in Him. Whatever our various cases, frames, and circumstances are, our only wisdom and comfort lies in simply commending all to Jesus, knowing that we are come to Him, and live comfortably, by daily coming to Him. Is sin our sorrow, grief, and burden? Jesus has a plea for it; He does not extenuate or excuse it. Nor should we; but confess it with all its aggravations: His blood speaks before the throne; the Spirit bears witness to it. 

When the voice of sin and terror is heard in thy conscience, Christ's blood speaks pardon from God, freedom from condemnation, peace of conscience, joy of heart, and a hope full of immortality. Happy to be come to Jesus, and joyful to believe in Him as our Mediator. O, how full of the richest consolation is this word! "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."—1 John 1:9.

Our Jesus call'd and bade us come 

To Him for ease and rest; 

Our souls obey'd His heav'nly voice, 

And we in Him are blest.

Christ is our Mediator dear 

Before the throne of God: 

Our conscience finds sweet peace with Him, 

Now sprinkled with His blood.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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