You Are Not Alone, Don't Faint: Keep Looking to Christ JESUS

"Consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied, and faint in your minds."Hebrews 12:3 [KJV]

Come, Christian, look up, look forward, and be of good courage. Though thy exercises are many, and thy conflicts great, though weary IN, yet grow not weary OF, the ways of the Lord. Verily, in due time we shall reap an harvest of eternal felicity (-happiness), after all our present toil and labour. Faint not; continue to the end; persevere in the work of faith, labour of love, and patience of hope. 

The battle is the Lord's; thy foes are all conquered; victory is obtained; the crown is held forth by thy conquering Lord. Press on. But alas! thou findest contradiction and opposition from every quarter, from within and from without: numerous are thy foes which rise up against thee; thy strength is small; thy power weak: most true; but know thy calling; study thy privilege; behold thy Comforter holds forth a reviving cordial this day to thy drooping spirits: "lest thou be weary and faint in thy mind," consider JESUS.  

Here is faith's mystery, the Christian's triumph: hence derive fresh life and vigour to thy fainting mind. Consider Jesus: in His divine nature, thy covenant GOD: in His human nature, thy redeeming brother: as God and man in one Christ JESUS, thy salvation; thy Almighty Saviour. Consider Jesus in His innocent life, enduring contradiction of sinners against Himself on thy account; fulfilling all righteousness for thee; that thou art perfectly righteous before God IN HIM. 

Consider Jesus, on the cross bearing thy sins; amidst taunts and jeers, while making atonement for thy transgressions. Consider Jesus entered into heaven, and appearing in the presence of God FOR us. Consider Jesus infinite in wisdom to know thy wants; infinite in love to sympathize with thee in all thy sorrow: infinite in power to support and strengthen thee under them: consider what infinite riches of grace He has in glory to supply all thy need. 

O, consider the fulness of grace that dwells in Him for needy sinners; live upon His fulness day by day, so as to receive out of His fulness grace for grace. Is it said "the blood of martyrs was the seed of the church"? Confident we are, the life and death, the blood and righteousness of Jesus are the life of our graces, the spring of our comforts, the support of our weary minds, and the only reviving cordials for our fainting spirits. 

Are we panting sinners at His footstool? Considering Jesus makes us joyful before His throne now, soon we shall stand eternally happy in His presence. Imitate the Father of the faithful; be not weak in faith; consider not thy own body, which is "dead because of sin. Know the Spirit is life, because of the righteousness of Jesus."see Romans 8:10.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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