"That no flesh should glory in His presence: He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."I Corinthians 1:29, 31 [KJV]

Humble, self-abased souls, who drink deep into self-knowledge, sensible what human nature is; whose eye of faith is to the Lord Jesus, and to what he is made of God to them; are as jealous of the pride of the flesh as they are of its sinfulness. This is a safe state; such have little reason to murmur because they do not experience high flights and ravishing ecstacies which appear to arise from nature and sense, because they lead to glory in the righteousness of the flesh. 

Flesh is proud and prone to glory, even in the presence of God; but faith in Jesus cuts off all glorying in the flesh, as viewing all salvation out of ourselves in Jesus. This is the very essence of the faith of God's elect. Yet, while we are in the flesh, we are daily exposed to the workings of pride, which darken the views of Jesus, and tend to self-exalting and self-glorying. What pains doth the loving Spirit take to humble us! 

He testifies of Jesus, ONLY; He shews us, by line upon line, and precept upon precept, by prophets and apostles, that "IN Jesus all His children shall be justified, and shall glory."—Isaiah 45:25. Am I made wise unto salvation? Glory to Jesus, this is from Him; He is my wisdom. Am I righteous in the sight of God? Glory to Jesus, His life wrought it out; it is mine: not obtained by my works, but by God's free gift. Jesus is my righteousness. Am I sanctified? Glory to Jesus; it is through the faith of Him, by the Spirit, that I have any drops from the fountain of Jesus' blood to wash away my guilt, and to cleanse my soul. 

Have I faith in, and hope of complete redemption from all misery, to all happiness? Glory to Jesus, He is my redemption; He hath bought me; He hath conquered for me. In whom then should I glory but in Jesus alone? IN Him all my wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption center. "It pleased the Father, that in Him all fulness should dwell." It pleases the Spirit to bear witness of, and to glorify Jesus ONLY.

Shall we glory in the fruits of the Spirit as the foundation of hope, and the cause of our acceptance with God? That were to deceive ourselves. The Holy Spirit produceth no fruits in us to this end. This is contrary to His office; inverts the economy of the covenant; makes faith void; and turns the eye of the soul from the only object of hope and salvation, Jesus, to somewhat within us, instead of Christ crucified for us: but by the Spirit we glory in Christ alone. 

By faith in precious promises, we pray to be filled with "fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ." To what end? That we should glory in these? Glory in the flesh because of these? No; but "unto the glory and praise of God."Philippians 1:11.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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