Stand Fast in Christ

"Brethren, ye have been called unto liberty: only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh." —Galatians 5:13 [KJV]

Peter was grieved because his Lord asked him the third time, "Lovest thou Me?" Sure it ought to be matter of concern and grief to the loving, generous hearts of disciples, to think they yet need this caution of the Spirit. But, verily we all do. The most sanctified is yet in the flesh; and the flesh with its affections and lusts are alive: they are ever lusting and striving against the Spirit. The holy, happy soul, who is set at liberty from sin, Satan, and the law, in his conscience, is hereby liable to be brought again under bondage to the law and thraldom to sin. 

Know thy danger; dread thine enemy; yea, rather fear and love thy best friend Jesus; cry to Him, Lord keep me continually. "Thou hast delivered my once captive soul from the power of the enemy; thou hast brought me out of the horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings, and put a new song in my mouth of praise to thee my Jesus and my God."— Psalm 40:2, 3. Keep, O keep me from the deceitful workings and carnal reasonings of my corrupt, sinful self, the flesh! 

What is this liberty we are called into? Not a perfect freedom from the being of sin, but a perfect deliverance from every curse of the law, from all the wrath of God denounced in the law, from the bondage of being under the law, to do any thing to gain God's love, recommend us to His favor, or entitle us to His kingdom. All this liberty we are called into by the faith of Jesus. He is the end or fulfiller of the law for righteousness to us who believe. O, what a glorious liberty are we called unto! Even a freedom from all sin in the conscience; so to live upon Jesus, as to consider ourselves in Him, as perfectly free from all sin, entirely dead to it, and our conscience so cleansed by His blood, as to be ever easy, serene, and comfortable, as though we were innocent and never had sinned. 

O, this is heavenly liberty to new-born souls! This creates a paradise upon earth. This is daily to be prized and enjoyed through the Spirit. Now, how base and ungrateful ever to use, or rather abuse this liberty as an occasion to the flesh! But even the Lord's own freemen are in danger of this through the vileness of their natures, the deceitfulness of their hearts, and the subtle devices of Satan, else the apostle had not thus addressed the BRETHREN. The doctrines of grace, the love of Jesus, and living on Him by faith, lay the flesh under bondage and restraint. We cannot walk in the liberty of the Spirit, and yet fulfil the lusts of the flesh. We cannot serve God and Mammon. Thou free-men of the Lord, canst thou barter peace with Jesus for the gratifications of thy lusts? O rather "stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made thee free."—Galatians 5:1

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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