Security Stronger Than The Mountains

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." —Psalm 23:1 [KJV]

All comfort is derived to the soul from the knowledge of what Jehovah is to us. This we know by the word of truth, and enjoy in the sweet exercise of faith. "I am the good shepherd," saith Jesus—John 10:11. Thou art MY shepherd, says the believing soul. Thus, whatever office or character Jesus sustains, it is the glory of faith not only to view the Lord as such, but to draw sweet peace and comfort from it to one's own heart: that Thou art to ME. David knew the duty of a shepherd by experience. How watchful to preserve from danger, and how careful to guide and feed the sheep committed to his trust! 

But herein is the peculiar love of the shepherd of our souls; He "gave His life for His sheep." And after such love manifested to them, shall they want either His power to protect, or His grace to supply their need? No; that is impossible. But a sheep is a silly weak creature; it often bleats and makes a noise when it wants nothing; so do we. Though it knows its shepherd, and hears his voice, still it is naturally prone to wander from rich and green pastures, to break out of the fold, and, if left to itself, would leap into the very jaws of its enemy: so foolish are we also. Hence arises our distress; for when we look to what we are in ourselves, and lose sight of the love and care of our dear shepherd, we cast our eyes around us, and call in this distressing thought and the other distracting care. 

Hence we often send forth the bleatings of unbelief, and cry out, "We shall certainly perish for want of supply and assistance." But where is the Lord our shepherd? Alas! we forget His dying love, His covenant engagements, His watchful care; we listen not enough to the sweet voice of our Shepherd, but to the enemy, who speaks terror; and our poor hearts are affrighted and tremble. But in opposition to all that sin, Satan, and the law can say or do against us, "The voice of the Lord is a mighty voice: the voice of the Lord hath the preeminence." And Jesus our Shepherd saith, "I give unto My sheep—what? Grace, upon condition that they will continue to be My sheep, hear My voice, and follow Me?" Infinitely more: security stronger than the mountains; comfort more unfathomable than the great deep. 

"I know My sheep;" My Father gave them unto Me: I lay down My life for them. Shall the enemy rob me of one of My purchased ones, or My dear Father of one of the objects of His love? No: they shall never want My Spirit to keep, to quicken, to comfort, and enable them to persevere till they receive the end of their faith, the salvation of their souls. "I give unto them eternal life; and they shall NEVER perish, neither shall ANY pluck them out of My hand."—John 10:28.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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