"I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight: These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them."Isaiah 42:16 [KJV]

Here is a full proof of the personality of the divine Spirit, the third glorious person in the adorable trinity; and also the nature of His office in the economy of the covenant of grace for the salvation of the elect. He WILL lead them into all the paths of truth. Truth is of the very essence and perfection of Jehovah. The Father "hath chosen us from the beginning to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the TRUTH."II Thessalonians 2:13; Jesus is essentially "the way, the TRUTH, and the life,"John 14:6—by Whom we are saved; and the Holy Spirit performs His office as our guide to HIM. 

We poor sinners "are all gone out of the way:" we are blind and see not the way, ignorant and know not the way, proud and have "turned every one to his own way;" and if left to ourselves, through the darkness that is in us, should seek death and destruction in the error of our lives. But, adorable grace! the Spirit of love prevents this. He will guide to Jesus, THE WAY, and into "all the truth, as it is in Him." So we enjoy life from Him: a life of love and holiness now, and eternal life and glory hereafter. O the loving condescension of this heavenly Guide! yet it is natural for us to resist the Holy Ghost, to grieve the loving Spirit, and quench His blessed motions. This is our chiefest grief. 

Yet such is His amazing love, such His sovereign power, that, like a most affectionate friend, a benign comforter, He takes us by the hand, yea takes our hearts into His hand, and WILL guide, counsel, and direct us. This He doth outwardly by His word, and inwardly by His secret but powerful influences. In the light of His word of truth, we see how sinful, miserable, and wretched we are in ourselves. But why doth He teach us this? Because we should not trust in ourselves that we are righteous, and deceive our souls into perdition. 

By the word of His grace, He teaches us the knowledge of Jesus. In Him He shews us the love of the Father, the super-aboundings of grace over the aboundings of sin. He turns us from the crooked paths of pride, self-will, and self-righteousness, into the straight paths of grace, truth, and holiness. 

Here, O believer, is thy mercy. "He WILL work and none shall let it." O, this is the crowning mercy of all, "I WILL not forsake them." Here are four absolute declarations, I WILL. Bow proud 'free-will' to thy Lord's WILLS. He WILL, certainly guide thy soul through all the mazes of a sinful world to eternal glory. "As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."Romans 8:14.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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