Laughed to Scorn

"And they laughed Him to scorn." Matthew 9:24 [KJV]

Wonderful indeed is our Master in patience, meekness, love, and goodness, under such insult and scorn. "When Herod saw Jesus he was exceeding glad: he desired to see Him of a long season, for he hoped to see some miracle done by Him." Miracles may satisfy the curiosity; they do not of themselves, convert the heart to the truth. This is plain. Herod saw in Jesus a most astonishing miracle. Behold innocence itself arraigned and accused—death in its most cursed and ignominious form threatened. 

Amazing to consider! Jesus stood mute; His tongue locked up in silence. His mighty arm, which could have dealt destruction at a blow, He suffered to be bound; Himself set at nought, mocked, and in derision arrayed in a robe of mock royalty—WHITE, saith Beza. So Herod, though undesigned, gives him a token of His innocence; as Pilate, contrary to his judgment and intention, gives Him a title, "This is the King of the Jews." Though requested to alter the words, he was constrained to be inflexible; replies, "What I have written, I will not revoke." 

See your calling, brethren: it is to confess and follow a once laughed at, scorned, ridiculed Jesus: never once dream of being excused pledging our Lord in the same cup. So sure as thou dost "witness a good profession" of faith in Jesus and conformity to Him, thou also shalt not escape laughter and scorn from the carnal world, nor of being arrayed by them in the contemptible garb of a fool's cap and a madman's coat. Time was when we acted as they do. Think of this, and be humble. Give Him the glory who taught us better. But what harm can this do us? Harm! it is our greatest glory on earth. "Such honor have all His saints." 

An honor angels share not in. Sinners only are called thus to glorify their Master. True, it is galling to the flesh; but "they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts." By the world's scorn, pride is mortified, while the soul is joyful; and the Spirit of Christ and glory rests upon us. The world laughs us to scorn; Jesus smiles and approves. Shall we be uneasy and grieve at it? No; our Master bids us rejoice, and be exceeding glad. Thus, follow Christ and fear not men. 

In former times it was a proverbial expression, to shew the impossibility of a thing, "You may as soon turn a Christian from Christ as do it." Stedfastness here is our glory. In the things of God, said Luther, I assume this title, CEDO NULLI, "I yield to none." As God's election is irrevocable, so let our confession of Christ be: striving to imitate Him in love and patience. "Put on (as the elect of God, holy and beloved) humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering."Colossians 3:12.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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