Jesus is our Wisdom

"The wisdom that is from above, is first pure, then peaceable..."James 3:17 [KJV]

True knowledge centers in this one point, namely, that Jesus is our wisdom; even as the sun is the only source of all light. From hence light is communicated to the earth freely. As that hath no power to influence the sun to shed forth its comforting beams of light, so neither are we able or willing, while in a state of sin and folly, to exert any power to procure wisdom. But unasked, unsought, unmerited; Jesus, who is emphatically styled WISDOM, came down from above, that wisdom might once more be found in our nature. 

In Him most conspicuously shone forth every perfection of purity, peace, gentleness, etc. This is our gospel to believe, that thus Jesus hath "abounded towards us in all wisdom."Ephesians 1:8. So also it is the rich experience of His members, that "out of His fulness we all receive." Hence we are made wise unto salvation, for we know, love, and approve of Jesus, as "made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption." This is our chief glory, to glory in HIM, who is our greatest glory: this our highest wisdom, to glory in Him who is our wisdom. 

Nature with all its powers is averse to this; but wisdom seeks and apprehends us; causeth us to hear her voice, to be in love with her beauty; or we should never have had so much as one desire after her. The cry after wisdom, is wisdom in the heart. A desire after Jesus, is from Jesus being known to the soul. Thus Christ prevents us; He first cometh from above to us, then we soar from beneath towards Him. This is the purity of true wisdom: it hath no mixture with any thing from beneath. All the human systems and carnal schemes which the "wise of this world" call religion, as well as the impurity of the flesh, it turns from. 

It brings purity of affection to Jesus only, like a chaste virgin who has but one object of love: it brings peace to the soul through the same object. Thus where Christ dwelleth in the heart by faith, that soul dwells in wisdom, and is united to purity and peace, etc. When the soul hath but once tasted this wisdom that cometh from above, there is an insatiable thirst after more; that so from this uncorrupted fountain the pleasing streams of purity, peace, gentleness, mercy, and good fruits, may incessantly flow. "Thus wisdom is justified of all her children."Matthew 11:19.

Nature with open volume stands 

To spread her Maker's praise abroad; 

And ev'ry labour of His hands, 

Shews something worthy of a God.

But in the grace that rescu'd man 

His brightest form of glory shines; 

Here, on the cross 'tis fairest drawn 

In precious blood and crimson lines.

The sweet wonders of that cross, 

Where God the Saviour lov'd and dy'd! 

Her noblest life my Spirit draws 

From His dear wounded bleeding side.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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