"Whom He justified, them He also glorified."Romans 8:30 [KJV]

What poor scanty thoughts do we too often entertain of the love and beneficence of our covenant God! At best our conceptions are too contracted: we are straitened in our own bowels, while we have no cause to be straitened in the super-abounding grace of our Lord: we have little reason to borrow contracted thoughts of God's love from Egyptian taskmasters. Our own corrupt nature too, too often furnishes with carnal pleas and unbelieving suggestions, which weaken our faith, cool our love, damp our zeal, deject our spirits, and grieve our hearts. Simple hearts should have nothing to do but with the plain simple truths of God. 

Hath the Lord said it? He will also do it. Faith defies Satan's power, and smiles at human contradictions. Though humbled souls lie low in self-abasement, yet their views are exalted to the highest confidence, by God's purposes, declarations, and promises in Christ Jesus. So they are established in the truth. All the blessings of grace and glory are sure to every believer; for all such are in Jesus beloved, justified and saved in the sight of God. So also in themselves, they are discharged from guilt, absolved from punishment, acquitted from the curse of the law. When the Comforter brings the sweet knowledge of this to the conscience, then how do they triumph in Jesus! 

Satan cannot see this without envy. Then he stirs up all the powers of nature and corrupt reason to stop their glorying. Some miserable teachers are not aware whom they serve, when they talk of Jesus' righteous, justified members being consigned over to eternal damnation. Justification by faith is a fruit of electing love. All such as are chosen to salvation, they can never perish. Says St. Austin, "If any of the elect perish, God is deceived; but God is not deceived, therefore none of the elect can perish; for the Lord knoweth who are His." 

In Jesus they have a sure right and title to glory. And the Lord the Spirit glorifies every justified soul. The church, the King's daughter, He makes all-glorious within now. So each member hath a meetness for glory above. The glory of God lies near the hearts of sanctified souls. The way of truth and the paths of holiness are their delight. Sanctification of the Spirit is inseparable from belief of the truth. Both spring from the electing love of God the Father, and shall most assuredly issue in certain salvation of every happy subject. This is the challenge of Jesus: "Father, I WILL that those whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am."John 17:24.

To God the only wise, 

Saviour and our King, 

Let all the saints below the skies 

Their humble praises bring.

Soon all the chosen seed 

Shall meet around the throne, 

Shall bless the conduct of His grace, 

And make His wonders known.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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