Great Encouragment in Christ for wounded saints

"A bruised reed shall He not break, and smoking flax shall He not quench, till He send forth judgment unto victory."—Matthew 12:20 [KJV]

Through a sight of their sinful state, a sense of strong corruptions, weakness of faith, and small degree of the knowledge of Jesus, young converts, like David just come to the throne, are apt to say, "I am this day weak, though anointed king;" and to fear with him, "the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me,"II Samuel 3:39. The accuser of the brethren is ever an adversary to Jesus and the truth; he is always busy with souls, to stamp upon their minds the blackest impressions. He paints the Saviour, not as loving, gentle, and merciful to relieve distressed and comfort wounded, afflicted consciences; but as a rigid, austere, and cruel exactor. 

When carnal reason joins in with false accusations, it is sore distress and conflict to the mind. But to the law and to the testimony. How readest thou, O soul? "It is right thou shouldst bear the indignation of the Lord, because thou hast sinned against Him." Micah 7:9. The Saviour sees it fit. By this He teaches the exceeding sinfulness of sin, that thou shouldest abhor it, be humbled for it. Yea also, as the greatest blessing above all, that thou shouldest look to Him, believe on Him, and love Him. But this thou never wilt do, while thou dost not consider Him as a precious Saviour for the lost and guilty. 

True, in thyself thou art like a bruised reed, shaken with the wind of temptation; oppressed with sin and distress; weak and helpless, ready to fall into despair, and perish without hope. As smoking flax, thou seemest to smoke, but not burn; rather offensive to thyself, because of the vapors of corruption: these blind thine eyes, and are a stench in thy nostrils: and so poor sensible souls are apt to think themselves to be to Jesus. But saw He any amiable dispositions in the sinner's character to invite him from heaven to earth?

Being come to seek and to save the lost, and to be the physician of sin-sick souls, waits He for their health and soundness ere He reacheth forth His healing hand? Doth the Friend of sinners break in pieces with a rod of iron the sin-wounded, heavy laden soul? 

That be far from the loving heart of Jesus; far be that from any poor sinner's heart to conceive. Nay, but He pleads thy cause, He will execute judgment for all such over every adversary. He shall not break, He shall not quench, till judgment is denounced and victory proclaimed. Satan's accusations, unbelieving suggestions, shall be condemned and cast out by the word of truth, and the power of the Spirit; and the weakest believer "shall overcome and obtain victory by the blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony of Jesus." —Revelation 12:11.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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