Fear Not, saith the KING OF GLORY JESUS

"Gideon said, Alas! O Lord GOD: for I have seen an angel of the LORD face to face. The LORD said, Peace be unto thee: fear not; thou shalt not die."Judges 6:22, 23 [KJV]

"Jesus is the same Lord over all, rich in mercy to all who call upon Him." —Romans 10:12. There is no difference between Old Testament saints and New, in regard to the object of salvation; "Jesus the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever." Poor Gideon thought a sight of the Lord must surely be present death; for, saith the Lord, "There shall no man see Me and live."—Exodus 33:20. But the Lord appeared to him, as the angel of the covenant, the Mediator, the interposer. Not in terrible majesty and fiery wrath, to strike him dead, but as the Saviour, the merciful one. 

This sight was attended with life to his soul and death to his fears. So Gideon found it, when he heard that ever-dear and most precious word, PEACE. This is ever the word of the bridegroom to His church. His birth is ushered in with "PEACE on earth." His dying legacy to his children is PEACE. Nothing but love dwells in His heart; nothing but peace is heard from His lips. This was His affectionate salutation to His beloved though dejected disciples, when He first appeared to them after His sufferings and death. His tender heart well knew how troubled their poor minds were: therefore over and over he repeats, "PEACE be unto you."—John 20:21

As it was in the beginning, so it is now. Jesus silences guilty fears and perplexing doubts in disciples' hearts. Woe is me, saith the poor sinner, I am undone, I am unclean; mine eyes have seen the Lord of hosts in the purity and spirituality of His law, as a just God and a holy; a consuming fire, and who will by no means clear the guilty: I shall die. FEAR NOT, saith Jesus to every such trembling, repenting, believing heart; thou shalt not die, but live; neither shalt thou want My peace. Look unto Me and be saved: inwardly listen to My word; treasure it up in thine heart. 

Wait in faith for the sweet and still voice of My Spirit: I create the fruit of the lips. "Peace, peace to him that is afar off, and to him that is near, and I will heal them." Such shall not only hear Christ's voice but feel His power. Their fears shall be taken away, and their sorrow removed. So shall their souls be joyful in Him. Thus JESUS is precious to them. "He delivers them who through fear of death, were all their lifetime subject to bondage."—Hebrews 2:15. "Having made peace for us through the blood of His cross."Colossians 1:20.

My groans and tears, and forms of woe, 

Are turn'd to joy and praises now; 

I throw my sackcloth on the ground, 

And ease and gladness gird me round.

My tongue, the glory of Christ's name, 

Shall ne'er be silent of his fame, 

His praise shall sound thro' earth and heav'n, 

For sickness heal'd, and sins forgiv'n.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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