"Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."I Peter 3:15 [KJV]

When the Lord Jesus is the glory of the soul, it is the soul's glory to sanctify Him, and Him only. How joyful to have one's heart detached from every other object and hope, and its whole delight to glorify our Saviour! How ravishing to dwell on the wonders of His love, the riches of His grace, the greatness of His sufferings, the fulness of His redemption, the perfection of His righteousness, the prevalency of His intercession, and all issuing in the eternal life of such vile sinful wretches as we are! 

Verily, under such views, most cheerfully does the believer sanctify the Lord Immanuel in his heart. Hence, how powerful is his soul animated with holy boldness against the fear of man! Yea, inflamed with love to the truth, how ready to give a reason of his hope! Perhaps, through the warmth of his zeal, and the heat of his affections, he does not always act wisely herein; but does what he is forbid by his Lord, "casts his pearls before swine." Hence he finds, as they were ignorant of the worth of His jewels, they turn upon him with wrath. The apostle seems to guard against this. Christian, thou art to be always ready to answer, and to give a reason of thy hope. But to whom? Every man that asks with meekness and fear: meek to receive instruction; fear of error; and desires to know the truth as it is in Jesus. 

As the Christian has freely received, so it is his delight freely to give to others. He hopes the Lord may make him the happy instrument of conviction, conversion, and, edification to other souls. Far is it from the nature of a Christian "to eat his morsel alone." He is to imitate the meekness of the Lamb in his temper. The boldness of the lion is to accompany his concern for God's glory and the cause of his truth. Meek in speech, but not with timid fear to answer. 

When God's truth is the subject, the strongest confidence and the greatest courage are our glory. What is thy hope, O Christian? Is it any other than "God's mystery, CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory?"Colossians 1:27. Dost thou see such infinite charms, such inestimable glory in that despised Jesus, who was hanged upon a tree as an accursed malefactor? that He is the ONLY hope of thy soul? the ONLY glory of thy heart? O, blessed, highly favored art thou! Is it not thy joy to say, "Come and hear, all ye that fear GOD, and I will declare what He hath done for my soul?"Psalm 66:16.

Let the vain world pronounce its shame, 

And fling their scandals on our cause; 

We glory in our Saviour's name, 

And make our triumphs in His cross.

With joy we tell the scoffing age, 

He that was dead has left the tomb; 

He lives above their utmost rage, 

And we are waiting till He come.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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