"Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." —Matthew 5:3 [KJV]

In the day of the Spirit's power "the lofty looks of man are humbled, the haughtiness of man is bowed down, and the LORD alone is exalted in that day."—Isaiah 2:11. Then a man's own righteousness, wherein he trusted, is seen as filthy rags. His strength he boasted of, is found to be perfect weakness; his heart, in which he gloried as good, is found to be deceitful and desperately wicked. Then he becomes in his own eyes a POOR SINNER. He knows his poverty; he feels his wretchedness. Thus, when Jesus alone is exalted in his sight, he becomes little, vile, and mean in his own eyes; then he is poor in spirit, a mere BEGGAR, who must be wholly indebted to free-grace bounty and free-gift mercy. 

Though he sees his state to be guilty, wretched, and desperate, yet he is blessed: Why so? Merely because he sees and knows himself to be wretched, poor, miserable, blind, and naked? Alas! this knowledge, like Job's friends, would prove but as a miserable comforter to his soul. He can no more trust in his known poverty and rags to entitle him to the kingdom, than in his fancied robes and riches. But such are blessed or happy, because the grace of the kingdom is in their hearts NOW, "and theirs is the kingdom of heaven in glory." 

Most joyful consideration! They are chosen to it by the love of the Father; they are blessed in Christ Jesus with all spiritual blessings; and, as an evidence of this, the Holy Spirit bestows on them "wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus: He enlightens the eyes of their understanding; then they know what is the hope of their calling, and what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."—Ephesians 1:17-18. How unspeakably blessed! How immensely rich are the poor in spirit! 

"Having nothing in themselves, yet possessing all things in Christ Jesus." It is usual, in worldly commerce, where a person's credit is not established, to value himself upon the credit of some rich person: so he gains credit and repute. Thus the poor sinner values himself upon the riches of Jesus Christ for all esteem and acceptance in the sight of God, and herein we have confidence for all things. Who is our wisdom? Jesus. Who is our righteousness? Jesus. Who is our sanctification? Jesus. Who is our redemption? Jesus. He is our glory, our crown, our hope, and our daily rejoicing. 

Here, O soul, is thy precious inventory! Read it, and rejoice at thy riches. "All things are yours:" ministers, the world, life, death, things present, things to come, are all yours. Why? because you are faithful to grace, and have fulfilled terms and conditions to gain or secure the favor of God? No: infinitely higher cause; "Ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's."I Corinthians 3:23.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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