Alive Unto God through Jesus Christ

"Likewise reckon ye yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ." —Romans 6:11 [KJV]

There is a death IN sin which we are all naturally under. There is a death FOR sin; this our dear Saviour (we can never think of it too much, nor mention it too often) suffered for on the tree. And there is a death UNTO sin, which every believing member of Jesus partakes of, by virtue of union to Him. For when Jesus died for sin on the cross, all His members were mystically considered in Him, and dying in Him, as their covenant Head and Representative, unto sin. And, by communion with Jesus, the same Spirit which raised up Jesus the head, dwells in the mortal bodies of His believing members, quickening them to newness of life. 

From hence the apostle would have such reckon, infer, or conclude themselves "to be dead indeed unto sin." And on the same account, and for the same reason, "alive unto God, through Jesus Christ." Now, believer, how dost thou reckon, reason, and conclude of thy spiritual estate? because thou dost not find all sin dead in thee, but feelest the motions of sin stirring and raging for the mastery over thee, dost thou from hence judge of thy state, and conclude thou hast not the faith of God's elect? Alas! this will distress thy soul, weaken thy confidence of faith, administer life and vigour to thy sins and lusts, and bring death upon thy spiritual life of comfort, love, and holiness. 

The word of God is the only rule of our faith; by that we are to determine of our state. Though sin be alive in thee, yet thou art to reckon thyself dead to that, so as to have nothing to do with it. Though thou groanest under "a body of death," yet thou art to conclude thyself "alive unto God through Jesus Christ." Reckon thyself dead to that sin of sins: UNBELIEF. This is the life of all other sins. Be deaf to its reasonings, dead to its pleas. Both dishonor thy Lord, and rob thy soul of its comfort. Here is the mystery of faith. This is to be held in a pure conscience. There is a freedom from sin; of access to God with boldness. Here is the victory of saints. 

Here is the triumph of truth against all our enemies, to the death of sin and the life of holiness. Hence, through the Spirit of truth springs our daily comfort, continued growth in grace, in the knowledge of Jesus, and in personal holiness of life and conversation.

Do we not know that solemn word, 

That we are bury'd with the Lord, 

Baptiz'd into His death, and then 

Put off the body of our sin? 

Our souls receive diviner breath, 

Rais'd from corruption guilt and death; 

So from the grave did Christ arise. 

And lives to God above the skies. 

No more let sin and Satan reign 

Over our mortal flesh again; 

The various lusts we serv'd before,

 Shall have dominion now no more.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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