A Sense of Pardon & Privilege of Believing Souls

"I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him." —Isaiah 57:18 [KJV]

What a glorious declaration of free grace is this! Here is an absolute promise of mercy, not excited by the worthiness of the creature, but proceeding solely from the loving heart of a covenant God. Well might David say, "In Thy word do I trust: I rejoice at Thy word, as one that findeth great spoil."—Psalm 119:162. The life of the soul is supported by the word of the Lord. This is the object of faith, the encourager of hope, and the exciter of love. Jesus is the essential word by whom Jehovah speaks. 

The scriptures are revealed truths by the Spirit, of God's purposes, promises, and grace. Behold, be astonished and humbled, O soul, at thy apostacy, backslidings, and rebellion! Behold, admire, adore, and love the infinitely gracious procedures of the Father of all mercies. Here is the criminal arraigned at the bar; iniquity charged upon him; God's displeasure at it repeatedly declared; His chastising hand smote him for it. This reclaims not. The Lord hides His loving face—withdraws the light of His countenance. What is the effect? A froward behaviour—still walking in his own ways, contrary to the Lord. 

Might one not expect the next words should thunder curses and damnation? Be astonished, O heavens! What readest thou, O man? Is it, I have seen his ways, and will damn him? O, no, But, though I hate his ways, yet I love his soul. My super-abounding grace shall reign and triumph over all the aboundings of sin. I will heal his soul; I will pardon him. Thou poor doubting soul, with thy legal frames, go and learn what that meaneth, "I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy."—Exodus 33:19. "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice." 

The blood of My people shall not be sacrificed to My vengeance, saith the Lord. Here is the glory of grace. This the triumph of faith. Mercy proclaimed, shews the munificence of God; but the dejected heart may still be in suspense. Is it for me? Yes, if thou believest on the Son of God. As Jesus is thy salvation, His Spirit assures thee of thine interest in His love. 

Where the truth is received by faith, the comfort shall be enjoyed. When God pardons in His heart, He leads the pardoned sinner to the knowledge and enjoyment of it, and restores lost comforts to the backsliding soul. A sense of pardon is the essence of gospel-grace and comfort; the result of Jesus' atonement, the gift of the gracious Spirit, and the privilege of believing souls. It is presumption to expect what God has not promised. It is injurious unbelief not to plead when the Lord bids us "ask and receive."—John 16:24


O may Thy pard'ning grace be nigh, 

Lest we should faint, despair and die!

Thus shall our better thoughts approve 

The methods of Thy chast'ning love.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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