"No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost."I Corinthians 12:3 [KJV]

"As the heavens declare the glory of the Lord, and the firmament sheweth His handy-work:" so every page of His sacred word proclaims His grace to His people, reminds them of the insufficiency of their natural power and will to any saving purposes. Formal professors say, that Jesus is the Lord. The confession is easy. It is common to the openly profane, and the most decent Pharisee; but is no more profitable to salvation than the true declaration from Satan, "Thou art the Holy One of God,"Mark 1:24

But saving confession of Jesus with the lips proceeds from inward believing on Jesus with the heart; and this from spiritual discoveries to the mind by the Holy Ghost. O believer, know thy distinguishing blessing! Esteem not this a common privilege, but special grace, that thou canst see, canst own, canst come to, trust in, and call the despised Nazarene, the once sin-bearing, sin-atoning, curse-sustaining Jesus thy Lord and thy God; in whom is all thy hope, and from whom is all thy salvation. This is truly the faith of God's elect. Hear what thy master proclaims of such a confession; "Blessed art thou; for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee, but My Father which is in heaven."Matthew 16:17

This is the mystery of the Father's kingdom: this is given only to His children to know. Therefore the Holy Ghost is sent into their hearts to make it manifest. Most blessed confession! May it be ever uppermost in our minds, in our lips, and evidenced by our lives, that Jesus is JEHOVAH. That Jesus is the LORD, the Saviour, the man, and Mediator—our atonement on the cross; our righteousness in His life; our intercessor at the right-hand of glory; this, this is our plea to all that are against us. We are sure it is a godly, righteous plea, for it is given us by the Holy Ghost in the word of truth. By it the Father is glorified; Jesus is honored; drooping, fainting hearts are revived and comforted; faith is established, hope confirmed, love increased, holiness advanced, Satan vanquished, sin subdued, the law answered, the world overcome, death conquered, and we sharers in the triumphs of glory and immortality. 

Christian soul, cheer up. With this truth in thine heart: with this confession in thy mouth, go on thy way rejoicing: nor men nor devils can harm thee. Jesus thy Saviour is the Lord almighty to protect, ever-loving to save. Only fear to offend against love itself; Never suffer a doubt of Jesus' love in thy mind. Grieve not the Holy Spirit. Come, a few more days to prove thy allegiance to Jesus thy Lord on earth, and thou shalt reign with Him in glory. Ever remember thy Lord's blessed promise, "Whosoever shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven."Matthew 10:32.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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