"All scripture is given by inspiration of God; and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."II Timothy 3:16, 17 [KJV]

The poor sinner who writes this, being in a dangerous illness, was in a very dark and comfortless frame of mind for two days. The third day, light, peace and joy overspread his soul by these words being brought to his mind: "After two days He will revive us, in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight." On this he called for a bible. O how was his inexpressible joy increased when he read these words in Hosea 6:2. On being asked, If he had done with the bible? he answered with a flood of joyful tears, 'No: never, never shall I have done with that blessed book, till I change time for eternity.' The Spirit of inspiration ever honors His own word of truth. All peace, comfort and joy are derived from it through faith. We shall suffer no loss, if we suspend judgment on comforts, till we have tried them by this touchstone of truth. 

Be on your guard against the flatteries of false peace and the delusions of unscriptural joys. Revealed truths are inspired of God: they are the objects of faith. By the knowledge of them the Spirit consolates the soul, lovingly reproves and corrects what is amiss; profitably instructs in the fundamental truths of Jesus' righteousness unto justification of life; and the believer's obedience unto righteousness. No one doctrine of God's word should be slightly regarded. In this sense, he that rejects one point of truth is guilty of all. This is to impeach the wisdom of the, as though he had made known any one needless and insignificant, doctrine. This, instead of being doers of the word, is to judge and condemn the word. Jesus is the sum and substance of the scriptures. 

All the promises are in Him. All the doctrines of grace lead to Him and centre in Him. These are the furniture of faith while Jesus is the chief object of the soul. So disciples go on to perfection in knowledge, love and holiness; therefore they should prize the scripture as their companion; consult it as their familiar friend; and pray over it as their constant guide. To these ends they are given of God: when thus received by us, we shall also be "edified, and walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost."Acts 9:31

Laden with guilt and full of fears, 

I fly to Thee, my Lord, 

And not a glimpse of hope appears, 

But in Thy written word. 

The volume of my Father's grace 

Does all my grief assuage; 

Here I behold my Saviour's face 

Almost in ev'ry page.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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