The LORD JESUS Has Sent Forth Judgment Unto Victory!

"In the way of Thy judgments, O LORD, have we waited for Thee: the desire of our soul is to Thy name, and to the remembrance of Thee."Isaiah 26:8 [KJV]

Herein appears the wisdom and glory of our Lord. He hath ordained the way wherein His people should walk, as well as the end which they shall surely enjoy, salvation. Thus is it manifest, by perseverance in grace and holiness, that any sinner is effectually called to the knowledge of Jesus and salvation by Him. Though in regeneration the carnality and corruption of our nature are not destroyed, yet by the word and Spirit the soul is possessed with a desire after Jesus, and the sweet remembrance of His name is fixed in the heart; He is all their desire and all their salvation; they know and feel themselves to be poor and lost; they are humbled in soul; hope from every object but Christ is cut off. 

But yet some cannot speak of such manifestations of joy and tokens of comfort which others tell of. Hence they distress and disquiet their minds, are ready to question whether they have any true knowledge of, love to, and interest in the Lord. But this is not right; for it is plain and evident, where there is a desire of soul to the name of Jesus, and a remembrance in the heart of His salvation, as our only hope, this ariseth from a degree of knowledge and faith; and love also in proportion is drawn out after precious Christ. Such will be found waiting upon the Lord, for they see His grace. There is something in the name of Jesus that is attracting; that in the nature of His work and salvation which suits their desperate state, and which they love to hear of and wait for. 

The secret power of the Spirit inclines the heart in the way of God's judgments, in the ordinances of His house, in private duties, secret meditation and reading, etc. Yea, though in distress and affliction, still they wait upon, yea wait FOR the Lord, for more knowledge, stronger faith, greater love. Therefore such who lightly esteem, yea speak contemptibly of such "good desires," speak unadvisedly with their lips; they "make sad the heart of the righteous, whom the Lord would not have made sad." 

Jesus doth not despise "the day of small things," He loves the weakest lamb in His flock, He delights in the smallest work of His own Spirit, He doth not despise the least desire of the soul towards Him, His loving heart will not "break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax, till He send forth judgment unto victory." 


God is mine all-sufficient good, 

My portion and my choice; 

In Him my vast desires are fill'd

And all my pow'rs rejoice. 

I bless Thy grace, that e'er my soul is to me.

No name so sweet whereon to hope, 

As Jesus is to me.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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