"I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."Philippians 3:14 [KJV]

By effectual vocation the soul is called from a death in sin to a life of righteousness. By spiritual illumination the most desirable objects are discerned; the faith of God's elect manifests itself to be an operative grace in the heart by the conduct of the life. Blessed Paul, though such a zealous champion for sovereign operations and free-grace truths, though so averse to the pride of (-so called) free-will and the confidence of human righteousness in his writing and preaching, yet his life and exhortations are equally opposite to all licentious practices and unchristian sloth; he had a race to run, a prize to win, the end of his calling to attain. 

Thus is it with all who are partakers of like precious faith; folding the hands, sitting down contented, resting in ease and indolence, may suffice when doctrines are only received as notions in the head. Truth may be assented to in the judgment as dry speculations, so as to engage the tongue, without warming and influencing the heart, and producing the fruits of holiness in the life. If sitting still and talking, or walking contrary to the hope of the gospel, be to imitate the apostle's blessed conduct, followers of him abound greatly every where; but the truth received in the love of it excites to activity. Says the Christian, "I press forward," like a racer who considers the mark before him, turns his back upon the place he set out from, and is solicitous so to run that he may obtain the prize. 

Jesus is the Christian's mark, he presses towards Him, he is solicitous to enjoy much of Christ below, he longs for full enjoyment of Him above; this is our glorious high calling. What can be put in competition with it? the world, with all its sinful customs, vain pleasures, and carnal delights? No; we forsake these, and leave them behind us. We fear being entangled with the objects of time and sense, preferring Jesus above all. Earthly things grow more and more mean and contemptible to us. The more we see our all in Jesus, and expect all from Him, so much the more we press towards Him. 

Hence means of grace are prized, ordinances attended to, Christ's word is precious, the prize is glorious. Thou man of God, ever exercise a godly jealousy of being brought into bondage to the world or the flesh. Remember how unloving, how dishonorable thou actest when any object engages thy attention and rivals thy Saviour. "So run that you may obtain." 

How vain are all things here below! 

How false and yet how fair! 

Each pleasure hath its poison too, 

And ev'ry sweet a snare. 

Dear Saviour, let Thy beauties be 

My soul's eternal food; 

And grace command my heart away 

From all created good.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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