Precious Promises from Almighty GOD

"And yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break My covenant with them: for I am the LORD their God." —Leviticus 26:44 [KJV]

Can any child of God read his Father's awful threatenings in this chapter, and think light of sin? Can he count it a small thing to walk contrary to God's revealed mind and will? Indeed one would think it impossible; nor can we hardly believe any one who has known the true grace of God could read this verse and ever dare open his mouth and shoot his arrows of bitter words against the doctrines of everlasting, electing love, sovereign grace, and the certain salvation of every redeemed soul. But alas! when the mouth of proud man is not held in by the bridle of humility, what awful, what horrid speeches will he dare to utter, even against the plain and express declarations of Jehovah Himself! 

The rank weeds of natural notions are offensive to gracious souls. Pride, unbelief, and corrupt reason, mutually strengthen each other in carnal hearts, in enmity and opposition to free-grace truths. But what is a bone of contention to such, is wholesome comfortable food to self-emptied and humble souls, through the faith of Jesus. To every self-abased soul, who has no hope but in the word of the Lord, no confidence but in the covenant-love of Jesus our Mediator, the Lord our God speaks thus comfortably; "Though in the land," yea as thou often fearest, in the hand and under the power of thine enemy, O hear and rejoice! thy Lord saith, "I will not cast away, abhor, utterly destroy." Though thou hast broken the covenant, yet God will not. 

It is firm as the mountains; unshaken as the rocks. God will visit for sin, chastise for provocations, correct for backsliding. All this is covenant-love; but to cast away His children He will not: to abhor them He cannot; to destroy and punish them in hell is contrary to His truth, His justice, His promise, His oath, His covenant, established in love, and ratified by the blood of Jesus, His Son, our Saviour. 

What tongue saith, Is it so? Come then, let us sin with an high hand! Poor soul, thy speech bewrayeth thee. The sound of grace has only reached thine ear; but where it is known and felt in the heart, it speaks otherwise. God's free, loving, absolute declarations attract to love and obedience. The grace of God that brings salvation, teaches to deny all ungodliness, etc.—Titus 2:11,12. 

The promise of my Father's love 

Shall stand for ever good: 

He said, and gave His soul to death, 

And seal'd the grace with blood. 

To this dear cov'nant of Thy word I set my worthless name; 

I seal th' engagement to my Lord 

And make my humble claim.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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