"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering: (for He is faithful that promised)."Hebrews 10:23 [KJV]

Poor Christian! thy profession is envied by the malice of devils; it is the scorn and ridicule of natural men; and is contrary to thy carnal reason. Hence thou hast the combined force of a threefold alliance in arms against thee; if that by any means they may rob thee of thy hope. Happy Christian! who like thy blessed Master, in the face of every adversary, hast "witnessed a good profession,"I Timothy 6:13. What an animating exhortation backed with a most precious assertion is this! 

Thou must expect to be assaulted by the rage of devils, treated with scorn and contempt from wicked men; and often put to a stand by the carnal reasonings of thy flesh. Here is thy duty: "HOLD FAST" in spite of all opposition: hold fast the truths of God. "It is written," is sufficient to silence every carnal argument, to support thy soul against every attack from the wisdom of this world. With this weapon thy blessed Master put Satan to flight. Thus defend thyself with the sword of the Spirit against every foe. 

Thus encourage thy soul daily to "hold fast its profession." God's revealed truths are faith's objects, faith's confidence, faith's security; for God's foundation standeth sure. "He is faithful that promised." Why then should thy mind at any time waver, agitate, or be tossed to and fro? The foundation of God standeth sure. To confide in the word, promises, and oath of a faithful, covenant-keeping, promise-fulfilling God, is the glory of thy soul and glorifies thy Lord. Is Jesus thy profession? is all thy hope in Him? all thy expectation from Him? Is He thy all for pardon, for righteousness, for sanctification, for wisdom, and eternal redemption? dost thou profess Him thy Alpha and Omega? 

Then be careful for nothing but to please Him—fear thou nothing but what may offend Him. Whilst thou lookest to Him only, thou wilt be of good courage. Remember thy foes are His conquered enemies. When they oppose, attack, assault, it is to try thy faith, that thou mayest glorify Him the more. What hast thou already? Hast thou not thy Lord's faithful word; His precious promises; His solemn oath, all pledged for thy safety and salvation? Hast thou not found peace of conscience, comfort of heart, joy of soul in Jesus? 

Then cleave close to Him: hold fast by Him. Ever plead (not thy own) but His faithfulness. Attend His sweet call from heaven above to all His conflicting members below: "That which ye have already, hold fast till I come."Revelation 2:25.

The fearful soul, that tires and faints, 

And walks the ways of God no more, 

Is but esteem'd almost a saint, 

And makes his own destruction sure.

Lord, let not all my hopes be vain, 

Create my heart entirely new, 

Which hypocrites could ne'er attain, 

Which base apostates never knew.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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