Great Helps to us in these Days of Peril

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you." —Matthew 5:44 [KJV]

Love is the very badge and characteristic of a disciple of Jesus. Love is of God. All tempers and passions which are contrary to love, "are earthly, sensual, and devilish." Let no disciple say, This is a hard saying, who can obey it? Nay, but it is the command of thy loving Saviour; He practised it; He has left thee an example. To this end art thou born from above of the Spirit of love; and art possessed with "faith, which worketh by love." 

Therefore though hard and impossible it may seem to carnal reason, and to flesh and blood; yet we are under the indispensable obligation to follow the steps, and obey the commands of that Jesus, who loved us and died for us, though His enemies. He hath blessed us, and prays for us, and does good unto us, though we have rebellious natures which are at enmity and hatred against Him. 

Never, never till thine enemy's hatred and variance against thee exceed thine to thy Lord, art thou at liberty to dispense with this command. It is for the health and profit of thy soul. In keeping this command of love, verily there is a great reward of inward peace and consolation from the God of love. So shalt thou enjoy the witness of His Spirit, of thine adoption. Tell thy Lord of thine enemies and pray for them by name. Behold the blessed effects of love upon the heart of a most bitter and implacable foe—see I Samuel ch. 24.

See how David, the man after God's own heart acts—how his faith works by love. When his persecuting foe, Saul, was delivered into his hand, love would not suffer him to do him any hurt. Yea, love smote his heart for only cutting off the skirts of his robe. 

Hear the pathetic cry of the bloody-minded Saul; struck with astonishment, and melted by love, he said, "Is this thy voice, such thy conduct to me, my son David? and he wept. Thou art more righteous than I; thou hast rewarded me good for evil; the Lord reward thee for it." Admire and imitate. Love is the weapon of thy spiritual warfare; by it thou art sure to prevail against, and conquer thine enemy. Therefore "if he hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in so doing, thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head." So strive to burn up his wrath, and melt him into affection. But suppose it hath not this effect upon him: it shall turn to the blessing and comfort of thy own soul. Thou shalt enjoy peace and love which is in Christ Jesus. 


Lord, shall Thy bright example shine 

In vain before my eyes? 

Give me a soul akin to Thine, 

To love my enemies. 

The Lord shall on my side engage, 

And in my Saviour's name 

I shall defeat their pride and rage, 

Who slander and condemn.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)



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