Christ JESUS ~ Our Shield and Exceeding Great Reward

"And lo, an horror of great darkness fell on him." —Genesis 15:12 [KJV]

There is somewhat very gloomy and awful in what is called 'a total eclipse of the sun.' When the earth is darkened, creation puts on a melancholy aspect and seems to mourn in silent sadness. But the surprise and astonishment which naturally affect us on these accounts are greatly abated, as these are not uncommon appearances in nature; and as they are foretold and accounted for. As in the natural, so it is in the spiritual world. 

The children of God in all ages have experienced darkness of soul: therefore none should think this peculiar when they are exercised thus, "as though some strange thing had happened to them,"1 Peter 4:12. We see Abraham, the friend of God, and father of the faithful, under an eclipse of the bright shining of the sun of righteousness. The consequence of this darkness was a horror, yea a horror of great darkness fell on him. And this too, after an extraordinary appearance of the Lord Himself to him, Who called him by his name, bid him FEAR NOT—assures him, I AM THY SHIELD AND THY EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD: then gives him the comfortable promise of the seed that should spring from him. 

Upon which, Abraham "believed in the Lord, and he counted it to Him for righteousness;" and he offers a sacrifice as the Lord commanded. But, alas, how soon did his bright sun of comfort disappear! How soon did darkness and horror fall upon him! How changeable are our frames! Extraordinary manifestations of comfort and joy are often succeeded by darkness of soul and trials of faith. So it was with our dear Saviour after the Father's declaration, "This is My beloved Son:" after the visible descent of the Holy Ghost upon Him, He was led into the wilderness, to undergo the most sharp and trying temptations. Thus again St. Paul, after he had been caught up to the third heavens, a messenger of Satan was sent to buffet him. Hence, O believer, under spiritual darkness and distress of soul write not bitter things against thyself. Think not God ceaseth to love thee and visits in wrath. 

No: God ever rests in love; He changeth not; His love is ever the same. Thou art equally as safe in His hands in the dark, though not so comfortable as in the light. Nay, love itself enquires after souls in such a state and gives precious advice to them. See and study Isaiah 50:10. Now the Lord teaches His sovereignty; instructs in humility; excites patience; shews thee thy nothingness; cuts off all glorying in thyself; strengthens thy trust in Him; draws out thy hope from thyself to Him; and shews thee that all the promises center in Jesus, and shall be fulfilled in God's own way and manner. Saith Jesus, "He who followeth Me, shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."John 8:12.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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