Cast Your Burden Upon The LORD JESUS!

"Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."Psalm 55:22 [KJV]

The soul, having lost its innocency by the sin of the first Adam, can never be happy till it knows righteousness is restored to it again by Jesus, the second Adam. Sensible sinners would be truly miserable when they see their nakedness and feel their want of righteousness, was not righteousness revealed as God's unspeakable gift by Jesus Christ. By Him a glorious robe of righteousness is wrought out and imputed to naked and destitute sinners. Grace reigns through His righteousness. All the mercy and favor we receive from God is in a way of righteousness. 

We enjoy the knowledge and comfort that we are righteous before God through faith. If this point is not clear and settled in the mind, it is because the clouds of ignorance and unbelief are not chased away; the Sun of righteousness hath not yet arose upon such hearts; therefore they are perplexed and distressed touching the hope of salvation. For this is the essential and leading point in Christianity. We may toil all the days of our life to get righteousness, but we shall go to bed in the dark without it, unless we are made righteous IN Christ. Infinite are the blessings, most precious the promises which abound in God's word to the RIGHTEOUS. When we read of the righteous in scripture, we are ever to remember Jesus, and give glory to Him who is our righteousness by faith. God "will never suffer the righteous to be moved from their hope." There is also a holy boldness and sweet familiarity between a righteous Lord and such righteous souls. 

As He has clothed them with the garments of salvation, they have always a sympathizing Friend in their hours of trouble to flee to. This is the hope that supports them; Jesus will support their weak souls and sustain their heavy burdens; they cannot sink though they may be often ready to faint. But why is this? Truly we are apt to struggle with this difficulty and toil with the other load upon our poor minds, instead of casting all upon Jesus who careth for us. Sense opposeth faith, hence Jesus is forgotten, and the mind remains troubled. 

But here is the wisdom and glory of faith; whenever we feel our souls are bowed down on any account, to refer all our griefs and cast or roll all our burdens off from our own minds upon Jesus, and simply to cry out with Hezekiah, "O LORD, I am oppressed; undertake for me."Isaiah 38:14

But I with all my cares, 

Will lean upon the Lord; 

I'll cast my burdens on His arm, 

And rest upon His word. 

His arm shall well sustain 

The children of His love; 

The ground on which their safety stands 

No earthly pow'r can move.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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