The Wednesday Word - 06JUN23 A.D.

The Blessing of Lostness!by D.G. Miles McKee 

The only person who ever fulfilled the Law of Moses was Christ Jesus.  He could do nothing else, for He was the thrice-holy God in human flesh appearing.  We, on the other hand, could do nothing other than break God’s Law, since we are, by nature, ungodly sinners (Romans 5:8). However, we must remember that the Law was never given to save anyone or to be a source of life; it was given to show us what we are … ungodly, lost sinners.  Our inability to keep even the first commandment demonstrates that we are hardened lawbreakers with no ability to love God the way we should (Matthew 22:37-40).  So then, why did God give the Law? One of the reasons was to demonstrate that we are lost.  Why did He do that? He did it because God only saves lost people (Luke 19:10).That’s right! … Lost people! And on account of that, we are delighted that Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost.  That means, if you are now a believer, He came to seek and to save you. What excellent news we discover when we realize that, in and of ourselves, we are lost.  However, we don’t have to despair because of that.  It is our lostness that qualifies us for salvation. Unfortunately, many well-meaning people, who call themselves Christians, are trying to get to Heaven by keeping the Law, but the Bible clearly says that no one is declared not guilty by the Law in the sight of God (Romans 3:20). Furthermore, the scriptures tell us that the law is not of faith (Galatians 3:12) but that we are justified by faith (Romans 5:1).  Another problem is the person who is trying to keep the Law in order to be saved must keep the entire Law.  In fact, trying to keep the law in the hopes of gaining heaven puts a person under a curse.  But we gospel believers are assured that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us (see Galatians 3:10-13). We were lost but now we have been found. The principal word from the commandments is ‘Thou’ …Thou shalt etc. The principal word of the gospel, however, is ‘God.’ ‘God’ so loved. Therefore, turn your eyes upon Jesus, not upon yourself.  Paul knew this truth. After his conversion, instead of boasting as a converted Pharisee about personal law-keeping, he boasted in Christ Jesus and had no confidence in the flesh (Philippians 3:3). After returning from Damascus, Paul never again bragged of personal law-keeping as his salvation, but very much boasted of Christ.  Rather than trying to keep the Law, every thought was to be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (II Corinthians 10:5) … a far higher standard than law-keeping … a standard for those who are saved, and not a standard by which to get saved. What a blessing to know that believers, in themselves, are lost but by grace we have been separated unto God through Christ's obedience and blood. Jesus is our peace, He is our acceptance before the Father. He is our sanctification and righteousness. His blood has brought us to God (Ephesians 2:13). We are saved by grace and grace does not place us under rules and regulations which we must keep in order to gain salvation. It’s only the lost who get saved. 
“Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,and to take him at His word;just to rest upon His promise,and to know, "Thus saith the Lord."Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!O for grace to trust Himmore!” 


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