Take Heed re: Repentance & Forgivenss

"Take heed to yourselves; If thy brother trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent, thou shalt forgive him."Luke 17:3, 4 [KJV] 


Mind this loving word, "Do thyself no harm." The least degree of malice, hatred or revenge, is contrary to the genius of the gospel—inconsistent with the character of a disciple of the meek and lowly Jesus. But, our Master knows what is in man: that his members are composed of flesh, as well as spirit; and therefore liable to offend, one against another, so as to hurt and injure each other, in the peace of their minds, and fellowship of their spirits. So also, they cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of, by the adversaries, who are glad at every advantage, to cry out, "O these are your saints! see how full of wrath they are; how they bite and devour each other." Therefore, "take heed to yourselves," saith the Head to His members. Watch against this evil. Offences will come. I teach you how to behave. Suppose thy brother trespass against thee, pity his weakness: pray for him by name, to thy Father, and his Father. Beware of angry resentment. If he aggravates his offence, by frequent repetition, thou shalt in no wise hate thy brother; but, as oft as he offends, if he as often "turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him." But, are we not to forgive him until, and unless, he do turn and say, I repent? In one sense we ought; perhaps, not in another. We must not, at our peril, entertain anger, or let the sun go down on our wrath; but in our hearts freely and fully forgive an offending brother. But, what if he remains stubborn, and persists in a spirit of bitterness? Even then, we are to forgive him in our hearts, and be desirous of embracing him, in love.  

But may we not justly suspend declaring our forgiveness to him, until he turn and say, I repent? Herein have we not God's word, and method, as our example? Though God loves His people in Christ, and for His sake pardons their sins; yet, until they actually turn to Him, and repent, He doth not manifest His pardon, and love to them. But let us ever remember, as God's thoughts of love are towards us, before we turn to Him: so our thoughts of love should be to our offending brethren, ere they turn to us. Doth the Lord Jesus require us to forgive every repeated offense, even until seventy times seven, four hundred and ninety? surely then, He will magnify His love, and display His mercy, in pardoning the innumerable offences, of all who turn to Him. "Forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."Ephesians 4:32


Great is God's love and large His grace, 

Through the redemption of His Son: 

He turns our feet from sinful ways, 

And pardons what our hands have done.  

Then let us to our brethren shew, 

The loving spirit we partake, 

All their offenses to forego, 

And love them freely for Christ's sake.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.) 


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