"Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life; and few there be that find it." —Matthew 7:14 [KJV]

So Jesus taught. But teachers in every age have taught a broad way and wide gate. The greatest part of professors have readily received their doctrine. This is a melancholy truth. Therefore Jesus adds, "Beware of false prophets." It is the sole prerogative of the King of saints to open a gate and make a way to His own kingdom. Glory to our God, who in sovereign grace and everlasting love hath done this. The gospel proclaims, FREE WELCOME: COME WHO WILL: ENTER FREELY, WITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT PRICE. 

Jesus is the strait gate of God's love, the only gate of righteousness: by Him we enter with access to God, stand perfectly justified and graciously accepted before Him. Jesus is the narrow way. By the blood of His cross He hath made peace, atoned for the sins of transgressors by one offering. Hence called strait and narrow, because the only way to life is by ONE man, ONE righteousness, ONE atonement. Thus it is a gate of love: a way of grace. Too strait a gate for blind men to see: too narrow a way for proud, natural men to submit to walk in. Hence "few there be that find it." 

But it is very awful to think of, whoever takes any other way or aims to enter by any other gate, goeth in the broad road to everlasting destruction. His boldness and confidence is no proof that he is right; but a melancholy sign that he is blind and deceived. For "the way of a fool is right in his own eyes."Proverbs 12:15. And "there is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death."Proverbs 14:12. But whoever enters the kingdom by Jesus, feeds in the pastures of grace, truth and love; he drinks of the river of consolation, and shall be nourished up to eternal life. Like a person who takes up his residence for life, in a more delightful kingdom than he was born in: so the believer is conformed to the laws, speaks the language, of the New Jerusalem, and "hates the garment spotted with the flesh." 

Thus the Holy Spirit leads the blind by the way they knew not, even the right way to peace, love, holiness, happiness, eternal life and salvation. Thus to a "little flock it is the Father's good pleasure to give the kingdom." By His word He directs them: by His Spirit He guides them: by His love He comforts them: by afflictions He profits them: by conviction of sin He humbles them: by the prospects of hope He animates them. All this is to make them walk steadily in Christ, who is THE WAY.

Christ is the sure foundation stone, 

Which God in Zion lays, 

To build our heav'nly hopes upon, 

And His eternal praise.

Chosen of God, to sinners dear, 

And saints adore the name; 

They trust their whole salvation, here, 

Nor shall they suffer shame.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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