"And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS; for He shall save His people from their sins."Matthew 1:21 [KJV]

O precious birth! precious Son! precious name! The Holy Ghost brings consolation to the hearts of poor sinners, from the belief of the manhood of JESUS. To this end the comforter bears so particular testimony by the word of the conception and birth of Christ. This is our happiness; at all times to consider the Saviour as "Emanuel, God with us:" our brother: "flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone." As Elihu says of himself, "Behold I am, according to thy wish, in God's stead. Behold, my terror shall not make thee afraid, neither shall my hand be heavy upon thee." Job 33:6, 7. Thus to conceive of Jesus, is a sweet mystery, joyfully known to believing hearts.

The Holy Ghost brings joy to our souls, by the NAME of JESUS. This name is above every name to us: it is "as precious ointment poured forth:" it diffuseth the sweet odour of the Father's everlasting love, issuing in our eternal salvation. In the name of JESUS the whole gospel lies hid. The Spirit also comforts our hearts. By the WORK of Christ, HE SHALL SAVE. Here is not an if, a perhaps, or peradventure; but a positive declaration, what He absolutely shall do. He shall save sinners: from the curse of the law, by being made a curse for them—from the wrath of God due to them, by suffering in their stead—from the punishment their sins deserve, by the atonement of His precious blood—from the guilt of sin in their conscience, by the sprinkling of His blood through faith—from the love and power of sin in their hearts; by the grace of His Spirit, regenerating and renewing them in the spirit of their minds. So that they are as perfectly saved IN JESUS from sin, as though they had never fallen into sin. And all this by Jesus: by no strength, power or ability of theirs.

Who does Jesus thus save? "His people:" ALL His people, of every kindred, nation, tribe and tongue, even "all that the Father hath given Him."John 17:9. Who are partakers of this precious salvation? Every poor sinner who believes in Jesus. It is free for ALL who come to Him. ALL who do come to Him, and trust in Him, find He is their Jesus, their salvation. O believer, here is the nature, the name, the work of thy precious Jesus to look to and live upon from day to day. It is thy mercy that salvation is His work, and He hath finished it. It is thy comfort to believe this daily. It is thy duty to give Jesus all the glory. The more light thou receivest from the word of Jesus and the Spirit of truth, so much the more wilt thou see of thine own vile sinful nature, and abhor thyself. How long? even until thou receivest the end of thy faith, the salvation of thy soul. Then wilt thou eternally glory only in the infinite perfection of the salvation of Jesus.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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