Our Mighty Beloved Advocate and Intercessor

"For Christ is entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us."Hebrews 9:24 [KJV]

How highly was Zacharias honored! He heard the gospel of salvation from the mouth of an angel; who said, "I am Gabriel, who stand in the presence of God, and am sent unto thee, to shew thee these glad tidings." But we see the awful effects of unbelief. Though thus beloved, and honored of God, yet he was struck dumb for a season—Luke 1:20. Though God most dearly loves His people in Christ, yet, He sees their sins, and with fatherly affection chastises for them. Do we not see somewhat of our own case here? For, as faith inspires the heart and tongue with boldness, so unbelief strikes us dumb. We cannot speak a word, nor offer a plea for our poor souls, if faith lose sight of Jesus. But He never forgets us. Our souls are never neglected by Him. The Lamb is in the midst of the throne FOR US. In our nature, in the same human body, which was hanged on the tree, with five pierced wounds in his hands, his feet, and precious side, He appears in the presence of God. There, like some victorious conqueror, who has gloriously delivered his country from the cruelty and rage of a merciless enemy, He glories in the scars He received in the field of battle.

When Jesus wept over dead Lazarus; See how He loved him, said the Jews. But when poor sinners think of our dear Lord's wounds, crucifixion, agonies and death, O what infinitely greater reason have we to say, See how He loved us! see how He still loves us. Notwithstanding all our base, unloving behaviour to Him, still, O soul-affecting truth! still, He appears before God, FOR US; He presents His once mangled body; He pleads His once bleeding wounds in our behalf, as the atoning sacrifice for our sins, for our salvation. Thus glorified Jesus, now appears in the presence of God, for us; as our dear Mediator, loving Lord, and precious Saviour, our affectionate Advocate, and powerful Intercessor. But saith the adversary, "This is a cunningly devised fable." What profit is this to me? saith carnal reason, backed with unbelief. But, the Spirit of truth bears witness to this; first, in type and figure under the law; and, now in reality and substance in the gospel. To this very end, that at any time, when sin burdens the conscience; sorrow bows down the heart, doubts arise in the mind, and fears oppress the spirit, the poor sinner may, with confidence, thus consider Jesus: look unto Him; and call upon Him: and find this to be the food of his faith, and the support of his soul: "for if God (Jesus) be FOR US, who can be against us?"Romans 8:31.

Lift up your eyes to th' heav'nly seat, 

Where our Redeemer stays; 

Kind intercessor, there He sits, 

And loves, and pleads, and prays.

Petitions now, and praise may rise, 

And saints their off'rings bring; 

The Priest with His own sacrifice 

Presents them to the King.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)



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