"And now, little children, abide in Him; that when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming."1 John 2:28 [KJV]

'A burnt child dreads the fire:' so a soul who has fallen into any snare of the enemy, when rescued by grace, fears the same evil and wisely cautions his brethren against it. I fell, do you beware. So it was even with the beloved disciple John. He did not abide by Jesus in the day of trial; but, with the rest of His disciples, forsook Him and fled. But who can tell the sorrow of his heart? who can paint the distress of his mind and the shame of his face, when Jesus appeared to them, and John said, "It is the Lord?"John 21:7.

And is Jesus gone but for a season? will He assuredly come again and take all His little children home? and do we expect His appearance? do we believe we shall shortly see Him in the glory of His Father and of His holy angels? What constancy and courage should this inspire us with! how ought Christian soldiers to abide in Jesus the Captain of their salvation; abide in a steady profession of His name; in a firm reliance upon His death and atonement; in a confident hope of being righteous in Him; "accepted in Him the Beloved;" in an uninterrupted obedience to His will, and an earnest endeavour to follow His example! and above all, to abide in child-like dependence upon Him, loving to be near Him, conversing freely with Him, pouring out our hearts before Him, simply telling Him of our weakness and dangers, our troubles and sorrows, and praying Him to keep us from falling. This is sweet and pleasant, thus always to abide in the faith of our Lord. The more we thus delight ourselves in the Lord, the more we grow dead to all things beside Him. But, soul, be assured that conforming to a vain world, complying with its sinful customs, gratifying the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life; as this is not abiding in the teachings of Jesus, it will weaken thy confidence in Him, and bring shame upon thy soul before Him. Thou findest it so even now, when thou dost approach unto His throne of grace. How often, from thy foolish forsaking thy Master and His ways, have thy hands been made to hang down, thy knees feeble, thy heart faint! O how hath holy boldness in Jesus forsaken thee, and shame and doubts and fears overspread thee! O then if thou hast any regard for the glory of thy Lord, any concern for thy present peace and joy, study and pray to live and walk so as to enjoy the presence of thy Saviour.

I cannot bear Thy absence, Lord; 

My life expires if Thou depart; 

Be thou, my heart, still near my God, 

And Thou, my God, be near my heart.

I was not born for earth or sin, 

Nor can I live on things so vile; 

Yet will I stay my Father's time, 

And hope and wait for heav'n awhile.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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