In Seasons of Distress and Affliction

"Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God and die."Job 2:9 [KJV]

In seasons of distress and affliction how must it alleviate the mind, and soothe our sorrows, to have so near and dear a friend as the partner of our lives speak a good word in due season? but on the contrary, when such an one is used as an instrument, by the adversary, it heightens distress, and adds a double weight to the pressure of afflictions. Such was the case of patient Job. Flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone, taunts at him for his integrity, and urges advice, which was as a dagger to his very heart. Verily, believer, thou also art "born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards." Thou hast therefore need of faith and patience as well as Job. These thou also art a partaker of, though not to so eminent a degree. Thou also hast a peevish, fretful, repining partner for life; which will ever be urging upon thee reproaches, and giving thee such advice, which is at the peril of thy soul to hearken to. Here is the exercise of thy graces. Be then on thy guard against this dear partner, rather near enemy, even thy carnal sinful nature, the flesh, with its affections and lusts. Know assuredly, when it would reason with thee, it is to beguile thee—when it demands an audience, it is to instill the venom of poison. Its nature is enmity; its workings rebellion; its reasonings treason against thy God. If thou give place to the flesh it will wound thy soul. If thou suffer it to gain ascendency, it will darken thy mind, and bring distress upon thy conscience. "If thou livest after the flesh thou shalt die." If therefore at any time, through the pride and perverseness of the flesh, thou art tempted to entertain hard thoughts of thy; to be impatient under His chastisements, and murmur against His allotments; to call in question the truths of His word, the stability of His covenant, the freeness of His promises, and the security of thy soul's salvation through the faith of Jesus; resist its suggestions in the faith of the word of grace; turn from its reasonings as from a bitter foe; and silence it with this humble, submissive language of faith; "Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil [-calamities]?" Job's wife was mortal: so is thy flesh. His sorest afflictions were soon at an end. The Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning. Lo, thus shall it be with thee. Here is our joy of faith. Our time is short. Our light afflictions are but for a moment: "they work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."II Corinthians 4:17.

"Thro' seas and storms of deep distress 

We sail by faith, and not by sight; 

Christ guides us in the wilderness 

Thro' all the briers of the night.

Dear Father, if Thy lifted rod 

Resolv'd to scourge us here below, 

Still we must lean upon our God, 

Thine arm shall bear us safely thro'."


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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