"Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot, and blameless."II Peter 3:14 [KJV]

It is a most grand delusion to imagine that the doctrines of grace tend to lull the soul asleep in supine indolence, or slothful stupidity. The believer hath not so learned Christ. Though he is saved by grace freely, yet he is called to "labour diligently." By faith he looks forward, to the fulfilment of awful predictions and precious promises. Hence we are excited to daily diligence, in the performance of duties, the use of means, and the exercise of graces. Do we look for the burning of the earth, the elements, and all sublunary things? do we expect to be inhabitants of new heavens, and a new earth? do we wait, and sometimes long for the coming of the Lamb, our loving Master and precious Saviour? and shall we indulge carnal ease and spiritual sloth? shall we not fear to be found of Jesus in such a state? Most true, "Jesus hath made peace for us by the blood of His cross." But shall we not be diligent, to maintain a lively sense of this sweet peace in our hearts? shall we not labour after purity of heart? And how is this to be expected, but by studiously avoiding those things, which tend to draw the heart, and alienate the affections from Jesus? If we lose sight of the Lamb, we lose the sense of peace. If we look at things which are seen, this begets love to them, and increases anxious solicitude for them. And, alas! then they only pierce us through with many sorrows. And most of all, when we are in our right minds, do not our sorrows increase, if we decrease in spiritual diligence, and grow in worldly-mindedness? Christian, though thou knowest it is God that giveth thee power to get wealth, and His providence is engaged to preserve thy body; yet, this doth not cause thee to abate thy diligence in thy worldly concerns; nor doth it make thee careless to preserve thy body from harms and administer to it such things as are for its health. Most happy is it for thee, thus daily to watch over, and care for, the peace and purity of thy soul. Jesus is thy peace: by living on Him, peace is enjoyed. He is thy Saviour: by looking to Him, thou shalt be kept free from filthy spots. Thus by maintaining fellowship with Christ—walking with Christ—keeping up a free intercourse with Christ; peace of mind, and purity of heart are preserved. In this way, verily, thou shalt be blameless. And be assured, "the diligent soul shall be made fat."Proverbs 13:4.

My thoughts surmount these lower skies, 

I look within the veil; 

There springs of endless pleasure rise, 

The waters never fail.

There I behold with sweet delight 

The blessed Three in One, 

And strong affections fix my sight 

On God's incarnate Son.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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