"When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto Thee, into Thine holy temple."Jonah 2:7 [KJV]

In the prophet Jonah's conduct we have a true picture of human nature, in its strong opposition to the power and grace of God. Though Jesus clothes His saints with righteousness, and the Spirit sanctifies and renews them in the spirit of their minds; yet pride, obstinacy, and self-will still dwell in their corrupt, fallen nature. The Spirit of truth and wisdom hath discovered the vile sins of His eminent prophets and faithful people, as well as their holy graces. This proves as a touchstone to us, to try whether we have received the true grace of God in our hearts. A regenerate soul will never draw any encouragement to indulge himself in sin and rebellion against God, because he reads of David's complicated sins of murder and adultery; of Jonah's fleeing from, and provoking behaviour to God; or of Peter's sad denial of Jesus with abominable oaths and curses. 

If scripture truths proves as poison, it is only to reprobate minds. They are ever wholesome food to sanctified hearts. Such behold in the fall of the saints of old, the evils to which themselves are ever liable. If they are kept, they are humble; and give the dear Saviour all the glory. If they are fallen low, they remember the Lord. "I remembered the Lord," says Jonah. Grace creates a good heart-memory, where there is a bad head-memory. The soul can never forget the Lord Christ. It calls to mind the Lord's love, and how He dealt with His people of old. They see His loving kindness, faithfulness and truth, never failed them. Hence the Holy Spirit stirs up and encourages poor, broken hearted, backsliding souls to trust in a God of covenant love. 

A sense of pain brings the body into a weak, fainting state. So a sense of sin, fear of God's wrath, the hidings of His face in Christ Jesus, makes the soul faint and languid. But in the lowest ebb of hope, and under the weakest frames of soul, the sanctified memory, though it bears a faithful record of past sins, yet it is also a precious repository of God's free-grace truths, and most precious promises in Christ Jesus. His human nature is the TEMPLE, in which God and man meet; to which sinners look; and through which grace is bestowed. 

Hence the poor soul is excited to mourn under the displeasure of an offended Father; and yet to cry to Him in hope against hope; to pray to Him in faith, though it has not one encouraging symptom in nature and self: but looking for all in Jesus. O most blessed words from the Father to humble believing souls; "I will remember their sins no more."Jeremiah 31:34.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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